Author Topic: THE NATIONAL COUNSEL FOR YOUNG ISRAEL has jumped into the Rashid Khalidi fray!  (Read 708 times)

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Release that tape
By Eric Fingerhut · November 2, 2008

The National Council for Young Israel has jumped into the Rashid Khalidi fray, urging the Los Angeles Times to release its tape of the farewell party for the Columbia University professor which Obama atttende.

NCYI president Shlomo Z. Mostofsky writes that the paper is "hypocritically hiding behind a promise to a source and withholding information from the public that could affect the outcome of next week’s presidential election." Here's the full letter:


October 31, 2008

Los Angeles Times
[email protected]

To the Editor

The election of the President of the United States and the peaceful transition of power from one president to the next is the hallmark of America’s constitutional democracy.  The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees the freedom of the press, another hallmark of our democracy.  It is, therefore, most disturbing that your paper is hypocritically hiding behind a promise to a source and withholding information from the public that could affect the outcome of next week’s presidential election.

Senator Barak Obama became the Democratic candidate for President, despite his affiliation with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. The Senator’s repudiation of his pastor was accepted by Americans who believed the assurances of this charismatic candidate.

The Times is in possession of a tape of a 2003 event that Senator Obama attended with Palestinian scholar Rashid Khalidi. The Times is refusing to allow the pubic to review the tape claiming that they promised anonymity to the source who provided them with the tape. Steve Barry, writing in your paper on March 24, 1998, criticized the secret settlement of civil court proceedings because they often hide issues that are “immensely important to the public.” Tresa Baldas in the National Law Journal of September 15, 2005, quoted Susan Seager, an attorney representing a number of media outlets, including the LA Times, who did not want the court records sealed in the case of Armour v  Ritter. Ms. Seager said :  “When courts conduct private proceedings behind closed doors, it creates public mistrust and suspicion.”

In an August 29, 2003, interview with Joe Scarborough, Mr.Khalidi hedged when Mr. Scarborough asked him if he said “Israel is a ‘racist’ state with an ‘apartheid’ system and that America has been brainwashed by Israel.” The transcript of that broadcast provided the actual cite for Mr. Khalidi’s statement.. (Jordan Elgrably, “Crisis of Our Times:  Nationalism Identity and the Future of Israel/Palestine, an Interview with Rashid Khalidi.”)

Your paper claims that the outcome of civil court proceedings is “immensely important to the public” and that “private court proceedings create public mistrust and suspicion.” These positions are ludicrous in light of your intentionally withholding information of grave concern to members of the public. Surely the outcomes of civil court proceedings pale in comparison to the importance of a presidential election. Your failure to publicize the video “creates mistrust and suspicion” among Jewish and pro-Israel voters as to Senator Obama’s record, especially when so many voters are undecided about the election. “The public has the right to know.”


Shlomo Z. Mostofsky, President
National Council of Young Israel


Offline jaime

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the 2 excerpts would have been sufficient.  i mailed them all over and why don't we see an ad  >:(  not even a mention of what was said.  i'm not hanging onto every word anymore on these shows, so maybe i missed it.  i gave a lot of media people the info, along w/Dick Morris who was so hot on the Jer. Wright ad at this late date, everybody at Fox, I did all I could do.  kept me up all night again.

Offline Roadwarrior

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What is documented fact is that the object of the going away dinner.

Prof. Rashid Khalidi wrote praises in his obituary (called Remembrance)  for the founder  and leader , Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf) of Black September    Story broke by Hannity.

Black September was the PLO faction that pulled off the
massacre at the Munich Olympics in 1972
Documented proof.
Perhaps Khalidi’s most shocking fabrication, however, was his "Remembrance" for the PLO terrorist mastermind known as Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf). Khalaf was notorious for his plots to assassinate King Hussein, and for his leadership of the so-called "Black September" organization, the PLO group that slaughtered Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, and in 1973 murdered US diplomats in Khartoum. The assassination of the US Ambassador to Lebanon in 1976 was also carried out under Khalaf’s orders. (For details on Khalaf see entry in An Historical Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Greenwood Press.)

Incredibly, Khalidi remembers not one word about any of these bloody terrorist attacks in his “Remembrance.” Instead he credits Khalaf with pioneering the PLO’s “diplomatic strategy” in 1988, with his “eloquent speeches and his back room political skills.”

According to Khalidi, “Abu Iyad will be sorely missed by the Palestinian people to whom he devoted his life” (Middle East Report, March-April 1991


Offline Cyberella

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Disgusting people.
Did you see that article by Debbie Schussel (sp) that I posted the other day?

She said that she found on the 'guest list' for the Jew bash party, a kids dance troup that specialized in doing 'dances' where they stomped on the American and Jewish flag and simulated beheadings!

Good God! No telling WHAT'S on that tape!

Offline Roadwarrior

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We are taking her word that this group does these crazy things ...
with no corroboration,28025.0.html

EXCLUSIVE: Dance Troupe @ Obama-Khalidi Dinner (of Secreted Tape Fame) Simulated Beheadings in Recent Past

By Debbie Schlussel

**** Copyright 2008. Must cite Debbie Schlussel and link to ****

As you all know, the Los Angeles Times is holding hostage a tape of Barack Obama at a 2003 Arab American Action Network (AAAN) dinner at which his friends, Rashid Khalidi, William Ayers, and Bernadine Dohrn were in attendance. It's the story I started when Los Angeles Times plagiarist/"reporter" Peter Wallsten ripped off my January column on Barack Obama's Nation of Islam staffers and friendship with AAAN founder Ali Abunimah.

But here's what you haven't yet heard: that a kids' dance troupe that appeared at the event has a history of simulating beheadings and stomping on American, Israeli, and British flags.

Sanabel AlQuds Dance Troupe with Sword Beheading Accessories
Reports of the partial guest list at the 2003 dinner include "the Sanabel Debka troupe", but the group's name is really "Sanabel AlQuds Dabka troupe." Sanabel means "grains" or "kernels" (of wheat or barley) in Arabic. AlQuds, or "The Holy", is the Muslim name for Jerusalem, which is ripped-off from the eternal Hebrew name for Jerusalem, "Ir Kadosh", or Holy City.

The Milwaukee-based Muslim kids dancing troupe purports to perform the debka, a Middle-Eastern step-dance. But this group, made up of mostly Palestinian Muslims and under the auspices of the Milwaukee Muslim American Society does far more in its "performance." And it's frightening.

In June 2004, I went undercover and attended a Dearborn fundraising dinner for Islamic Relief, the Muslim Brotherhood charity that is a front for HAMAS and Al-Qaeda. The event was MC'ed by Rayed Tayeh, who orchestrated the Starbucks Coffee boycott and who is believed to be a HAMAS operative.

Sanabel AlQuds performed to songs calling for martyrdom to "get back Palestine." The kids were young boys, some of them appearing to be no older than seven years old.

But they didn't just dance the debkah.

Suddenly the Sanabel AlQuds dancers pulled out fake swords and rifles and adorned three of their troupe respectively with an American, Isreaeli, and British flag. The others pretended to behead and/or shoot the boys wearing the flags. Then they put red scarves over the three boys heads, signifying blood and no head. Then, the flags were taken off, thrown to the ground, and trampled on by this young group of Milwaukee dancers.

This was on the Sunday that U.S. contractor Paul Johnson was found beheaded in Saudi Arabia and not long after Nicholas Berg and several other westerners were found beheaded in Iraq.

Once I saw this "performance" I realized why there were signs all over saying, "No video equipment or cameras allowed."

I wrote about this in 2004 in my review of "Fahrenheit 9/11", because it featured Obama surrogate John Conyers who was at the Sanabel AlQuds performance and just loved it:

Take the June 13 Muslim American Society fundraising dinner for Islamic Relief, a charity with links to the Muslim Brotherhood. Conyers and his wife were the guests of honor. They watched and clapped as the Sanabel AlQuds "dancing" troop from Milwaukee--featuring boys as young as seven--sang in Arabic of martyrdom and jihad for Allah and Palestine. They didn't need to understand Arabic, as the young boys used a rifle to simulate killing and pistol-whipping, simulated throat-slittings and beheadings, and dishonored the American flag.
Some pictures of Sanabel AlQuds Dabka troupe hint at some of this and show the kids dancing with swords (see above).

I also wrote about it in August 2006, because I'm sick and tired of the tens of millions the Mormon Church, the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, has been giving this group, Islamic Relief:

The evening's "entertainment" consisted of young boys--some apparently as young as seven--simulating beheadings and shootings of other young boys who donned the American, Israeli, and British flags. Then they put red scarves over their heads to symbolize blood . . . and no head.
While I do not know if Sanabel AlQuds performed this particular "dance" for Barack and Michelle Obama and other guests at this dinner, I know that this was their performance in the summer of 2004, just a year after the dinner that is the subject of the videotape the Los Angeles Times will not release. It may be that this same "act" was performed for the Obamas, but that it was not part of the tape, which would be why L.A. Times plagiarist/"reporter" Peter Wallsten did not write about it.

Still, why is Barack Obama hanging out with young kids who simulate beheadings of Americans and Jews on a regular basis?

Maybe they can perform their unique, halal version of the debka at an Inaugural Ball. I'm sure the Secret Service would make an allowance for the swords . . . for the sake of political correctness.

Offline mord

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During Arnold's campaign a source anonymous gave a tape where Arnold was in room with some guys and he said isn't she hot the Mexican American women working on his campaign,this was a pretty innocent comment and yet they released without the sources permission.Nobody really cared about this comment but it was from an anonymous source none the less
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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the election is only a day away....the knife is at our throats...we keep praying to Gd for a miracle.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein