Author Topic: SARAH HUSSEIN OBAMAS CONFESSION OF HUSSEIN obama being born in Kenya  (Read 1198 times)

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Offline AsheDina

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Transcript of Phone Conversation
With Kweli Shuhudia & Sarah Obama
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Time: 10:40 a.m.
NOTATION: Mr. Shuhudia called me first on October 16th at 10:33a.m. and
advised that he was with Sarah Hussein Obama and that she wanted to speak with me, but
the connection was lost. He called me right back at 10:35a.m. and he informed me that
there were several hundred people present, celebrating Obama’s success. I questioned
him about the format of the phone call and conversation with Ms. Obama, and then
informed him that I would call him right back, so it would not cost him international
charges for the call. I called back at 10:40a.m. and public music and voices could be
heard that were gathered around Kweli Shuhudia. I then spoke with him and requested
that they utilize the speaker phone so everyone could hear. The speaker phone with its
open microphone was utilized with Mr. Kweli Shuhudia, Mr. Vitalis Akech Ogombe
assisting in the translation work and Ms. Sarah Hussein, along with several hundred
people including policeman present and listening to the open conversation between the
four of us for approximately 15 minutes. A third unknown party can be heard periodically
interjecting both Swahili and English words in the public discussion and conversation
between the four of us. At times the room noise from other peoples’ voices makes some
of the swahili difficult to hear, and towards the end of the converstaion several men’s
voices are heard that are not identified.
From AT&T Monthly Statement of Calls:
110 WED 10/15/2008 8:18PM 814-629-5423 BOSWELL PA 1 RM30 DT 0.00 0.00 0.00
111 THU 10/16/2008 10:33AM 254726477700
1 RM30 DT 0.00 0.00 0.00
112 THU 10/16/2008 10:35AM 254726477700
1 RM30 DT 0.00 0.00 0.00
113 THU 10/16/2008 10:40AM 254726477700 KENYA ** 15 RM30 DT 0.00 12.32 12.32
114 THU 10/16/2008 10:54AM 610-662-3005
2 ESM1 DT M2MC 0.00 0.00 0.00
115 THU 10/16/2008 10:56AM 610-825-3134
10 RM30 DT 0.00 0.00 0.00
116 THU 10/16/2008 11:17AM 313-418-6959 DETROIT MI 1 RM30 DT 0.00 0.00 0.00
117 THU 10/16/2008 11:18AM 313-418-6959 DETROIT MI 16 RM30 DT 0.00 0.00 0.00
118 THU 10/16/2008 11:33AM 254726477700 KENYA ** 2 RM30 DT 0.00 1.76 1.76
119 THU 10/16/2008 12:37PM 254726477700 KENYA ** 2 RM30 DT 0.00 1.76 1.76
120 THU 10/16/2008 12:41PM 814-242-9409 VMAIL CL 1 RM30 DT VM 0.00 0.00 0.00
121 THU 10/16/2008 12:42PM 254726477700 KENYA ** 10 RM30 DT 0.00 8.80 8.80
Two Rings:
Kweli Shuhudia: Hello? [Back ground music]
Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae 2
Ron McRae: Brother Kweli? [music] Brother Kweli? This is Brother McRae.
Kweli Shuhudia: Yes.
Ron McRae: Okay. How are you today?
Kweli Shuhudia: Now. We are okay. How are you?
Ron McRae: I’m doing very well. You said you are there with, uh, Barack Obama’s
Kweli Shuhudia: Yes. I am just in the home now. She is right here. We’re, we’re waiting
to talk in a uh long conversation. And [unitelligible] a good family and she is ready to
Ron McRae: Good. She’s not there at the present?
Kweli Shuhudia: Yes. She’s here right now.
Ron McRae: Okay. Is it possible to speak to her?
Kweli Shuhudia: Yes. It is possible. I ah, along with her and her family, uh, you and me.
Ron McRae: Uh, is it possible for you to put her on the speaker phone and translate for
Kweli Shuhudia: Yes! Yes! I will do that.
Ron McRae: Okay.
Kweli Shuhudia: Yes?
Ron McRae: Okay.
Kweli Shuhudia: Yes. Go ahead [he then speaks to her in Swahili]
Sarah Obama: [Replies to him in Swahili]
Ron McRae: Ms. Obama?
Kweli Shuhudia: Yes go ahead.
Ron McRae: Mrs. Obama, my name is bishop Ron McRae.
Kweli Shuhudia: Ametaja bishop Ron McRae, Ron McRae. Go ahead.
Ron McRae: I am, I am the bishop of the Anabaptists Churches of North America.
Kweli Shuhudia: Yeye niaskofu Anabaptists makaisa.
Sarah Obama: Shikamooo! [Hello, good day].
Mr. Ogombe: Are you speaking English and , and we will tell her in Luo. Okay?
Ron McRae: Now give me that again. Explain it to me again.
Ogombe: It is welcome. She is very grateful for your interest.
Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae 3
Ron McRae: Okay. Thank you! Tell her I count it a great honor to speak to here since her
son Barack Obama is running for President of the United States.
Ogombe: Eh makasema yuko kiuu mgomba Obama kwa mwenyekiti America. Yah, she
says she is very helpful for got to you to please pray for Obama. She is asking you to pray
for him. For Obama.
Ron McRae: Yes Sir. Uh…Ms. Obama, you can rest assured that I am praying for your
son, for your grandson.
Ogombe: Yes. It is helpful also towards it is beginning to help.
Ron McRae: Okay.
Sarah Obama: [unitelligible from Ms. Obama because of room noise].
Ogombe: She says she is covet your prayers for he [unintelligible] her son.
Ron McRae: Okay. And tell her that I will be coming there in December and I would like
to come by and meet with her and pray with her.
Ogombe: Yes. Ye atakuwa mwezi Desemba.
Kweli Shuhudia: In December. He will come in December and he wants to come and talk
with you.
Sarah Obama: [unitelligible]
Ogombe: Oh she says you’re so encourage her. Your coming in December so you can
talk together with her.
Ron McRae: Amen. I am so thankful. Could I ask her, uh, about his, uh, his actual
birthplace? I would like to see hi actual birthplace when I, when I come to Kenya in
December. Uh, was she present when he was, was she present when he was born in
Ogombe to Sarah Obama: Alikuma zalima Obama [unintelligible].
Kweli Shuhudia: He is asking her, he wants to know something was ah she present when
he was born?
Ogombe: Yes. She says, “Yes she was! She was present when Obama was born.”
Ron McRae: Okay.
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Offline q_q_

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« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2008, 05:45:38 PM »
Not quite.

Notice how the translators asked her a different question to the one she was asked.

Ron McRae: Amen. I am so thankful. Could I ask her, uh, about his, uh, his actual
birthplace? I would like to see hi actual birthplace when I, when I come to Kenya in
December. Uh, was she present when he was, was she present when he was born in
Ogombe to Sarah Obama: Alikuma zalima Obama [unintelligible].
Kweli Shuhudia: He is asking her, he wants to know something was ah she present when
he was born?
Ogombe: Yes. She says, “Yes she was! She was present when Obama was born.”
Ron McRae: Okay.

Offline Roadwarrior

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« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 05:50:13 PM »

I want to hear what Berg says about this one.

But when the heck is he going to fish or cut bait ......
He claims he has a tape or transcript ...
and that it allegedly is in the possession of Justice Souter ....

Offline AsheDina

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« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 06:25:47 PM »

I want to hear what Berg says about this one.

But when the heck is he going to fish or cut bait ......
He claims he has a tape or transcript ...
and that it allegedly is in the possession of Justice Souter ....

  Me too agree- he NEEDS to show what is up. I dont think that Berg is FINISHED, not a CHANCE.
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