Author Topic: The Legacy of Communism  (Read 510 times)

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The Legacy of Communism
« on: November 06, 2008, 05:03:06 AM »
The legacy of communism

July 24, 2007| By DeEtte Chatterton

Shortly after President Ronald Regan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall,” the world saw communism begin to crumble.

Last month, President Bush joined Heritage Foundation scholar Lee Edwards and others to dedicate the Victims of Communism Memorial in Washington, D.C. For years, Edwards headed up the effort to make the memorial a reality.

Already dignitaries from around the world have stopped by to pay homage to those who died at the hands of communist dictators. In the four short weeks since the memorial’s dedication, Estonia’s president, Hungary’s economy minister and Lithuania’s foreign minister have come to lay wreaths in tribute at the base of this monument. 

“This memorial helps us resolve to never again allow so terrible a tyranny to terrorize the world,” Dr. Edwards explains. The memorial stands as a call to recommit ourselves to the fight against tyranny and oppression throughout the world.

Dr. Edwards hopes, he says, that the memorial will remind us of the tragedies that come when freedom is lost.

DeEtte Chatterton is an intern at The Heritage Foundation.

Offline jaime

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Re: The Legacy of Communism
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 05:21:12 AM »
now we have a communist president.  strange, Bill O'Reilly, Karl Rove and Dick Morris are still in the dark about who this guy is.  Bill O'Reilly said he heard nothing but fear from his callers.  then why'd they vote for Obama.  Karl Rove said he's met Obama on many occasions, but appears to be hoping for the best.  He forgets the Jew Bashing Party, Wm. Ayers, Jer. Wright, when he makes comments like that.  Dick Morris states Obama is now the Conservator of the Economic crisis.  this strikes me as very strange.  why would someone who knows nothing about anything, except being a thief, be elected to oversee the balance of our budget, calming down what's going on on Wall St. and working w/Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. has told Obama, "you owe us now."  how about that one?  Obama is a slippery character so we don't have to worry too much about this.  He'll just give them all jobs or rob some industry to pay them off. 
Since Obama has lied in the past, he cannot be trusted to do the right things at the beginning of his term.  He does what he wants.  Remember how shabbily he treated Hillary Clinton.  He threw McCain press off his stinky plane. 

it is important that we all know who are senators and congressmen are right now:

when we obtain standardized letters, they will be ready to sent off ASAP.