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compliments on the forum you have here, guys

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so like, i was browsing youtube a couple months ago, and randomly discovered some video of this fired-up guy advertising JTF. at the time i didn't really look into it much further, but i agreed with all of the things he said (not to mention, was pleased to find that not all Jews are leftists in these modern times!). a week or two ago i came upon this forum, started lurking here and reading some posts, and i have to say that it's quite a fine forum. no real trolls or haters bashing users like on many other more or less right-wing forums that i've visited- none that i've seen yet, at any rate. also, good to see people not afraid to speak openly and truthfully about this marxist political prostitute that has been thrust upon us (and the implications of what by all indications will be one of the most devastating 4-year spans in recent memory). too many of my fellow conservatives already attempt to placate themselves with the DISGUSTING, Panglossian contention that Barack Hussein Obama will somehow act out the part of a moderate in his newfound position of power. unfortunately, there is no logic to this fallacy, only desperate, degenerate, wishful thinking. i am pleased to see that not many on this site share these false pretensions.

anyway, that is more than enough ranting for an introductory post. i'm not Jewish, but i am a hard right conservative from the great state of Texas. regardless, i'm a strong supporter of the State of Israel, and, needless to say, vehement opponent of these rabid dogs that want to see Israel and America torched. So, hopefully we will get along. hi :]

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