Author Topic: Excellent peice from the TDN blog  (Read 538 times)

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Offline Tacitus

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Excellent peice from the TDN blog
« on: November 06, 2008, 10:44:07 AM »
TDN (thedailyn*** is one of the few blogs I read. This recent posting is the most truthful piece of commentary on the Obama victory I've ever heard or read so far.

Yes, it’s true that America is on its knees economically and with the war on terror raging and Iran building nuke plants, we’re all wondering whether the intelligence briefings that Obama is receiving really spell the doom that George W. Bush warned us about all along. Maybe it wasn’t empty fear at all. Perhaps all the warnings were true. Suddenly, a presidential candidate comes face to face with the reality of life and death and change occurs from within the candidate himself rather than from the outside, where tens of millions were under the impression that change meant something else to them.

The limitations of power are realized when one confronts their hopes and desires in an ironic twist of fate that begs the question as to whether things would have been better off left alone. What if becomes the question and why is the answer. Why did I even attempt to change the way things were? Why bother tinkering with the status quo? Why didn’t I leave well enough alone? Were we happier before I dreamed of better times?

The great Afrocentric story of our time isn’t even being reported by the mainstream corporate media because it may be considered to be too unsavory and above all “racist” in these politically correct times. The notion that calling a spade a spade is perhaps finally transcended by feelings of belonging to the great melting pot, at which point the cultural mores which sustained a people become lost in a systematic fragmentation of pop cultural post-modernism. People of African heritage become held accountable by “the system” rather than by members of their tribe. The quantum shift into full fledged democracy has its price - the family, the tribal unit become less important than the responsibility to a national ideal. The time-tested, age old tenets of behavior are wiped away in an instant. Suddenly responsibility trumps instinct and tradition.

Perhaps the question that is being addressed the least is what kind of change is in store for America as a result of the election of Barack Obama. Black nationalism used to strike fear into the hearts of white people, and so why would white people, especially white women, suddenly feel so carried away by Obama? Sometimes fear and love are separated only by a slender microfiber where the mother of necessity resides. The dire prospect of years passing under economic degradation and war can only conjure up the dream of having a full life. This is something that women know more than men. Their biological clock is the stuff of legend and can cause mountains to move in the name of procreation.

The manner in which black Afrocentric culture traditionally rejects homosexuality is perhaps best represented by the way in which blacks voted to outlaw gay marriage in California by an overwhelming majority. These are also the same people who voted for Obama, yet now that the reins of power have been literally handed to them it can only be imagined as to how much soul-searching is going on in the black community today.

Would it be too much to ask to want to know how it is that blacks can continue to hold their prejudices vis-a-vis sexuality, when responsibility for others is also at stake? For the first time in America, blacks are not responsible for themselves alone, and their myopic viewpoint of the world being black is no longer relevant. Procreating in the black tradition is now lost and gone forever at least in America. Black sexuality as it has been known has been rendered irrelevant, and the fallacy of the black phallus as the ultimate tool of the sexual trade must now take a backseat to the reality of responsibility. What a letdown white women must feel once they ponder the realities of how Obama must deal with a world of limitations which has been thrust upon him by the reality which Caucasian men already understand. There is no way out of this conundrum, and there is no simple solution. The biological clock ticks on its own momentum, and all that can make it better is just false hope.

The hard lesson of responsibility in the black community that is now required reading is the realization that black men must stay put after their children are born. They are having to learn that recreational sex should not be confused with procreation, yet the traditional black cultural experience differs from practically any other by virtue of the “black man’s burden”, i.e., the possessor of the great tool and the one anointed to carry on the race. View any black music video and you will see evidence of this as the exploitation of women is made more palatable only by the fact that the black man is cast as the one who portrays himself as the aggressor.

Call it the lessor of two evils, however, the change that is set to occur is that which will occur within blacks themselves. Little did they know or suspect that they must change in order to become fully integrated into Western culture, which accepts homosexuality while at the same time demanding responsibility. These mores do not come naturally to the tribal black experience, yet ironically the great masses of white people who voted for Obama expect an almost instantaneous transformation to take place where their concerns over the troubles that confront America can be magically wiped away by a strapping black man.

What is likely to occur as a result of this wildly misunderstood election is the creation of an opening in the black community which will inadvertently remind the white community of their own limitations. There is no silver bullet and no magic potion to make difficult situations better. What can occur and what might well occur is that a largely ignored and misunderstood black community may change and grow into an acceptance of white values at precisely the time when white people turned to the traditional black community for a magic elixir and an aphrodisiac during troubled times.

Right on. The blacks however, will neither change or will ever understand reality. They view this victory as "validation" for their race, which is a huge misunderstanding.
No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he is vigilant in its preservation.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Excellent peice from the TDN blog
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 11:13:06 AM »
TDN (thedailyn*** is one of the few blogs I read. This recent posting is the most truthful piece of commentary on the Obama victory I've ever heard or read so far.

Yes, it’s true that America is on its knees economically and with the war on terror raging and Iran building nuke plants, we’re all wondering whether the intelligence briefings that Obama is receiving really spell the doom that George W. Bush warned us about all along. Maybe it wasn’t empty fear at all. Perhaps all the warnings were true. Suddenly, a presidential candidate comes face to face with the reality of life and death and change occurs from within the candidate himself rather than from the outside, where tens of millions were under the impression that change meant something else to them.

The limitations of power are realized when one confronts their hopes and desires in an ironic twist of fate that begs the question as to whether things would have been better off left alone. What if becomes the question and why is the answer. Why did I even attempt to change the way things were? Why bother tinkering with the status quo? Why didn’t I leave well enough alone? Were we happier before I dreamed of better times?

The great Afrocentric story of our time isn’t even being reported by the mainstream corporate media because it may be considered to be too unsavory and above all “racist” in these politically correct times. The notion that calling a spade a spade is perhaps finally transcended by feelings of belonging to the great melting pot, at which point the cultural mores which sustained a people become lost in a systematic fragmentation of pop cultural post-modernism. People of African heritage become held accountable by “the system” rather than by members of their tribe. The quantum shift into full fledged democracy has its price - the family, the tribal unit become less important than the responsibility to a national ideal. The time-tested, age old tenets of behavior are wiped away in an instant. Suddenly responsibility trumps instinct and tradition.

Perhaps the question that is being addressed the least is what kind of change is in store for America as a result of the election of Barack Obama. Black nationalism used to strike fear into the hearts of white people, and so why would white people, especially white women, suddenly feel so carried away by Obama? Sometimes fear and love are separated only by a slender microfiber where the mother of necessity resides. The dire prospect of years passing under economic degradation and war can only conjure up the dream of having a full life. This is something that women know more than men. Their biological clock is the stuff of legend and can cause mountains to move in the name of procreation.

The manner in which black Afrocentric culture traditionally rejects homosexuality is perhaps best represented by the way in which blacks voted to outlaw gay marriage in California by an overwhelming majority. These are also the same people who voted for Obama, yet now that the reins of power have been literally handed to them it can only be imagined as to how much soul-searching is going on in the black community today.

Would it be too much to ask to want to know how it is that blacks can continue to hold their prejudices vis-a-vis sexuality, when responsibility for others is also at stake? For the first time in America, blacks are not responsible for themselves alone, and their myopic viewpoint of the world being black is no longer relevant. Procreating in the black tradition is now lost and gone forever at least in America. Black sexuality as it has been known has been rendered irrelevant, and the fallacy of the black phallus as the ultimate tool of the sexual trade must now take a backseat to the reality of responsibility. What a letdown white women must feel once they ponder the realities of how Obama must deal with a world of limitations which has been thrust upon him by the reality which Caucasian men already understand. There is no way out of this conundrum, and there is no simple solution. The biological clock ticks on its own momentum, and all that can make it better is just false hope.

The hard lesson of responsibility in the black community that is now required reading is the realization that black men must stay put after their children are born. They are having to learn that recreational sex should not be confused with procreation, yet the traditional black cultural experience differs from practically any other by virtue of the “black man’s burden”, i.e., the possessor of the great tool and the one anointed to carry on the race. View any black music video and you will see evidence of this as the exploitation of women is made more palatable only by the fact that the black man is cast as the one who portrays himself as the aggressor.

Call it the lessor of two evils, however, the change that is set to occur is that which will occur within blacks themselves. Little did they know or suspect that they must change in order to become fully integrated into Western culture, which accepts homosexuality while at the same time demanding responsibility. These mores do not come naturally to the tribal black experience, yet ironically the great masses of white people who voted for Obama expect an almost instantaneous transformation to take place where their concerns over the troubles that confront America can be magically wiped away by a strapping black man.

What is likely to occur as a result of this wildly misunderstood election is the creation of an opening in the black community which will inadvertently remind the white community of their own limitations. There is no silver bullet and no magic potion to make difficult situations better. What can occur and what might well occur is that a largely ignored and misunderstood black community may change and grow into an acceptance of white values at precisely the time when white people turned to the traditional black community for a magic elixir and an aphrodisiac during troubled times.

Right on. The blacks however, will neither change or will ever understand reality. They view this victory as "validation" for their race, which is a huge misunderstanding.

You think this is the most truthful commentary on Osama's victory ? You've got to be kidding.

It's hard to imagine a more rambling, incoherent bunch of sociological, psychological BS and nonsensical assertions incorporated into a single article.

Give me a break.