Author Topic: Jewish and US lobbyist in 1990 - in Kosovo - promising Kosovo to the Albanians  (Read 5027 times)

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Jewish and American lobbyist in 1990 - in Kosovo

Jewish congressman named Tom Lantos promising to the Albanian minority in Kosovo in the year of 1989 that he and his cooperators will establish pre conditions in order to surrender Kosovo to the Albanians.

This man was promising to a national minority that they will have their own sovereignty on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. This policy is violating the well known international agreed right that national minorities, nowhere, in the world can establish their own sovereignty.



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Tom Lantos.

Offline Spectator

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There's a known joke of Russian Jews:

"If Ivan stole, then he just stole. If Abram stole, then the Jews have stolen"

Do not judge the whole nation by evil doings of one or several men.

Now let's try to understand why Tom Lantos did it. The Jews tend to love the country they were born in and/or lived many years. For example, in 19th century German Jews loved Germany to such a degree that many of them declared it their "new zion" and stopped to recite the prayer for the return to Real Zion - Jerusalem. Tom Lantos was born in Hungary in 1928. You surely know that Austro-Hungary had waged a war against Serbia 14 years before it. I'm sure the Hungarian propaganda portrayed the Serbs as bad people even after the war. Therefore, Lantos surely had pro-Hungarian and anti-Serbian views from his very childhood. I'm going to show you something that may infuriate you even more:

He cares of the Hungarian minority despite the fact he left Hungary many years ago!

(By the way, I think Klara Mandic you are so fond of loved Serbia by the same reason - loyalty to the home country. It seems to me by the same reason Aryeh Yehuda you are arguing with uses American cold-war propaganda rhetoric when he speaks about Russia. It sometimes seems to me that he's just going to say "Russian soldiers playing balalaikas in rusty nuclear submarines"  :laugh:)

And then Lantos lived in America and became a senator there. He defends American interests. Unfortunately, American interests had already been directed against Serbia by that time.

The dispersion of Jews all over the world is a great tragedy of our people. My wife once told me a story (don't remember its author's name)  about how a Hungarian Jew, patriot of Austro-Hungary killed a Serbian Jew, patriot of Serbia during a battle in World War I. When the Hungarian Jew approached the dying Serbian Jew he heard the latter saying "Shema Israel" prayer... Only then he understood what he has done!  :'(

All the Jews must live in Israel and look at the current events from a truly Jewish perspective. And we must cling to the Jewish Tradition not to be seduced by alien theories inside the Land of Israel.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)


  • Master JTFer
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There's a known joke of Russian Jews:

"If Ivan stole, then he just stole. If Abram stole, then the Jews have stolen"

Do not judge the whole nation by evil doings of one or several men.

It was not only Tom Lantos.

When did I said that I am holding a whole nation responsible for the crimes of individual American politicians?

If I would collectively blame the Jewish nation for the crimes some Jews, I would not be reasonable and I would not join a pro Jewish website.

I have criticize certain Jews or certain Jewish organization, than I am not an anti Semite or a fascist.

As much as I respect and love the Jews, I will not tolerate those Jews who are participating in the genocide over the Serbs and in the separation of Kosovo from Serbia.

A person on this forum has recently opened a topic about “Serbian” Nazis.
I am of the opinion that the powerful Jewish lobbyists in the USA are far some dangerous to the Serbs, than these stupid so called “Serbian” Skinheads are to the Jews.

Of course we can not condemn a whole nation for the crimes of the certain individuals.
This counts not only for Jews, but also for Russians, Arabs, Catholics and the Serbs.

If some Russians were not tolerant to the Jews, during Tsarist Russia, than you can not collectively blame the Russian Tsars or the Orthodox Church for the crimes of the individual Russians – who do not represent the Russian nation or Church.

I see that people on this forum do consider whole Russia as a evil state.
There were even some statements declared which accused the Orthodoxy for anti Semitism. 

Once again condemning certain Jews does not mean that I condemn the whole Jewish nation. My statement is very clear about that!

Offline AryehYehudah

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Serbia's neo-nazis agree with you 100%..  For all the ridicule you post about Jews supporting Serbia's destruction, I will post about Serbian neo-nazis supporting Israel's destruction, as well as your Russian allies.   YOU ARE WRONG.. Neo-nazis are very dangerous to us Jews, every bit as dangerous as those "Jewish" lobbyists are to you Serbs.   I never denied the wrongdoing that some false-Jews have done to Serbians, but you blantantly deny any wrongdoing some Serbians and, of course, your hero the Tsar and the Russians have done to us.  You really irritate me.   >:(

By the way, isn't the book, "Protocols of Elders of Zion", written by your Russian brothers?   You never seem to care that your brothers wrote a book that even Adolf Hitler, himself, enjoyed reading and help contribute to the death of 6,000,000 Jews.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 05:07:17 AM by AryehYehudah »


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I am getting a very, very, very dirty taste in my month and in my soul because I am talking and listening to a person like you.

I am very happy that I am not raised up with hate, anger and lies like you.
You are a liar and from the beginning when you insulted whole Orthodoxy till this moment.

I must avoid conversations with you, because I do not want not 1% to be like you…

The Tsars did not commit mass crimes or genocide against Jews...

But I understand that the Tsar did not want Jews like you in the Russian government. I 100% understand that. Only the Tsars should control Russia, not Jews or others!

Last time Jews were in the Russian government 65 million Orthodox Russians lost their life’s... We know who gave orders to conduct genocide against 65 million Russians.
We are not fools!

Do you understand why the Tsar did not want people like you in the government?

Nazi say that all Jews are evil.
I do not consider all Jews as evil people. Neither do I accuse regular Jews for the crimes of the communist Bolshevik Jews against Orthodox people.

But people like you I consider evil and unimportant...

You have said enough evil things on this forum.
Enough is enough.

Stay away from me!

Offline Jasmina

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  Dalmacija was banned and I think this was a big mistake! The one who started all fights in our Serbian Section is actually a person who questioned everything about Serbs, including Serbs credibility towards Jews and Orthodox Religion! This person is very mean, cruel, and I will ask this person to apologize RIGHT NOW for what he is trying to do on this forum! He is trying to annihilate Save Serbia section just because he wants! and by banning Dalmacija, he is 1 step closer to this point! I will fight, and I will NOT let this bad Character to stick his bad ideas in this wonderful forum!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline AryehYehudah

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  Dalmacija was banned and I think this was a big mistake! The one who started all fights in our Serbian Section is actually a person who questioned everything about Serbs, including Serbs credibility towards Jews and Orthodox Religion! This person is very mean, cruel, and I will ask this person to apologize RIGHT NOW for what he is trying to do on this forum! He is trying to annihilate Save Serbia section just because he wants! and by banning Dalmacija, he is 1 step closer to this point! I will fight, and I will NOT let this bad Character to stick his bad ideas in this wonderful forum!

Quote from: Dalmacija
Last time Jews were in the Russian government 65 million Orthodox Russians lost their life’s... We know who gave orders to conduct genocide against 65 million Russians.
We are not fools!
I am sad that you neglect to see the insults he made against my race.  I am sorry he was banned, but with statements like this, I will not be the only Jew that he will anger.  BTW, I never meant that it was good that the Jews killed the children and wife of Tsar.  That was mistake on my part that people read the post that way.   I was commending the Jews who killed the Tsar, not his wife and family.  That is a war crime that I am not happy about.  You probably don't realize that the Jews who murdered Tsar's family, probably had many of their own wives and children murdered by the same man.   The Tsar, himself, was very mean and cruel to my people.  He murdered plenty of our wives and children without a tear shed.  Well, I know you will defend your own people over a Jewish person and you will neglect our history if it is contary to your best interests.  I will pray to Hashem that he can mend the wounds and bring us together.  I am not mean or cruel, like you think.   You seem to fail to recognize that JEws have suffered even worse than Serbs over the last few thousand years.  Yes, I respect you are a Serb nationalist.  However, is this respect mutual?

I know you care not so much about our history Jasmina and it shows by the statements made.  Dalmacija was not banned just because of the argument we had, but rather because of a large array of foul comments he made to a variety of members on the board. 

I have no reason to apologize for his dismissal from this site.  I did apologize for my ignorance about the Orthodox church of Serbia.  Once again, I apologize for slandering Serbia's church.  My anger was against Russia and its church and the maltreatment of Jews for centuries.   I think Dalmacija can apologize for making anti-semitic statements on a website that was created for the survival of the Jewish people. 

I no longer want Save Serbia to be shut down.  That post, was when I first joined, I just asked why there was a Save Serbia section.  I, actually , new little about Serbia, I thought it was a typical post-eastern bloc country.   I respect Serbian people and want the Save Serbia section to be stronger than ever.  However, people like Dalamacija who are pro-Serbian nationalist and yet make bad and insulting comments to Jews and neglect the history of the Jews are not doing any favor to the Save Serbia section.  As a matter of fact, the first posts I saw on this board was by him and that was what led me to thinking bad of Serbians and this Save Serbia board.   Now I see that many Serbians are friendly and I have learned about history of the people, that I have gained trust of them.  However, if you just want to attack me over Dalmacija's behavior, you are not doing yourself a favor.  I know many will attack me for confronting Dalmacija, but I felt it was my duty as a Jew.  If a person was going around cllaiming that Serbian generals murderd 65,000,000 Albanians/Croats,  I think it would be your duty as a Serb to refute that person. 

For the 100th time, I apologize for my original statements when I first joined; however, I feel justice was done today for the benefit of both Jews and Serbians.  Jasmina, if you are ready to learn about Jewish history, I am more than ready to learn about Serbian history.  Let us share and discuss and not be at war.   Dalmacija closed his ears and eyes to my posts and just said I am making anti-Russian and Anti-Tsar propganda.  It was very insulting to me, that I put all that work and research and showed him some well-documented historical articles, just to be stepped on and refused.   Joshua (4International) has posted me many articles about Serbian history and has shown me the suffering and plight of Serbians.  Did I kick them away and claim it was all anti-Albanian propaganda?  No, I was touched and have now been inspired to learn more about Serbia.  I will not cold shoulder you and laugh off anything you say, as Dalmacija has done to me and my people.

Shalom ..  I pray that I am not hated and made enemy.  I would like people to see what I wrote and what he wrote.  As you can see by his last statement, he is reiterated what neo-nazis have written on StørmFrønt website.  WHy Jasmina, do you close your eyes to that and just anger at me?  Yes, I make mistakes, but I also admit when I am wrong.   FYI it was not I who banned him, but the admins.  Jewish people are sensitive to our history in Eastern Europe and people who have denied the wrongdoings to our people.   I was trying to reach out to him and then he slandered me and I, foolishly, got angered at his remarks.  For my anger and bad language, I do apologize. 

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  You made your point right from the beginning of your membership on this forum! I hope you are happy now! I would be ashamed if I were you! Shame on you!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Shalom sister Jasmina,

Please do not be so angry at brother AryehYehudah as if he was the Serbs' enemy. Brother AryehYehudah has apologized for his mistakes and feels deeply sorry for them. You may be quite amazed to hear this, but even brother Dalmacija himself - just very short time before he was banned  today - wrote to me in private telling me that he thinks that brother AryehYehudah is NOT a bad person at all!! So he totally reversed his previous opinion of brother AryehYehudah himself!!

The problem with brother Dalmacija is that he has a very short fused temper.I can understand why he is that way considering the unspeakable horrors he and his family have been through after the Croat Ustasha Nazi "Operation Storm" in Krajina which Clinton made possible by supporting Tudjman and his HDZ neo-Ustasha Nazis.

You may perhaps recall brother Nikola1389's similar loss of temper when he was provoked by someone here on JTF and then he was subsequently banned for making a rather crude antisemitic joke in response to this individual's provocations. This joke by brother Nikola1389 - even if it was made in anger - was totally unacceptable and he was quite rightly banned. Brother Dalmacija applauded this decision by the JTF moderator to ban Nikola1389 as he quite rightfully said that such antisemitic jokes are unacceptable on a Jewish site. So According to brother Dalmacija's own very strict standards, logically it follows that he would consider that the decision to ban him today was fair for making similar antisemitic remarks.

I warned brother Dalmacija several times both in private and public here on the forum to PLEASE keep calm and cool and not to lose his temper - to stop wearing his heart on his sleeve when he feels that he is being provoked - whether he was provoked first or not.Whether it is unfair or not. He did not - or could not - do what I repeatedly asked of him. That is very unfortunate and sad.

As much as I love, admire and respect brother Dalmacija  - despite all the terribly nasty [admittedly hot-tempered] comments he made here today that were very insulting not only for brother AryehYehudah, but also for ALL Jewish people [at least those of us who are not self-hating] -  and even though I feel absolutely terrible today considering what has happened  and wish it could be undone, the fact is that brother Dalmacija did not heed my advice - or that of brother Shlomo - and only has himself to blame for being banned.



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Just like Dalmacija, I am from Krajina and understand why he behaved the way he behaved. Serbs from Krajina feel extremely betrayed by those whom they protected in WWII.
I was somewhat an anti-jewish person because of people like Holbrooke and especially Madeline Albright (who herself was saved by the Serbs during WWII and she speaks Serbian fluently). This site has taught me otherwise and I was a man enough to admit that I was wrong to think that way.
Personally, I am never offended on any subject where someone backs up his/her opinion with facts. What does offend me is those who attack my opinion without facts. Believe me, some people are willing to say anything and looking for some sort of a verbal fight just to avoid to say that they were wrong. I have never had that problem. When I am proven wrong, I immediatelly admit it....

It is only natural in a human being that he/she does not want to admit that he/she was wrong, nothing else.

both AryehYehudah and Dalmacija did take it way too far, no one can deny that, but I do believe that both should have been punished by either being banned for a week or so.....

I always believe that ignorance only leads to more ignorance and sometimes it gets to a point where it is no longer reversible. Both of you got to that point so it is only fair that both be punished. Punishing only one shows favortism.
Why am I saying this? Because it was people like AryehYehudah who start attacking others in this wonderful forum without facts. Please remember that Serbs, especially those from Krajina and Republic of Srpska take their heritage and history very seriously due to so much suffering and betrayal from all of those who kept claiming that they were their friends.

Unlike some Serbs who tend to be ignorant, I always have said that all sides in those horrible wars commited war crimes.

If Croats and Muslims were not backed up by western media (by the way, paid by Vatican and Islamic leaders), the war in former Yugoslavia would not have happened. All western media did was add more fire, make serbs feel like they are betrayed by those closest to them.

In the end, I give AryehYehudah credit for admitting for being wrong. The best way AryehYehudah can show his remorse is to ask JTF to ask Dalmacija to come back to one of the best and most balanced forums that I have yet come across. You never know, these two could end up being closest of forum buddies.

Both Dalmacija and AryehYehudah were right and both were wrong. If such a thing happened, it would show that all of us can be better men and not allow those who are against our Judeo-Christian beliefs to say "see, we can get them to fight against one another". We all make mistakes and what makes us better is to be able to forgive one another.

Remember, hate is a word of the Devil, aka Islam.

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Thank you for your great post.Look there are some Jews out there that don`t like us Serbs and there are antisemitic Serbs too.
But the bottom line is:Jews like Lantos,Albright and Holbrookes have been assimilated by their host nations and they have become Hungarian,German and Croatian nationalists just like the "ordinary" Hungarian and Germans.
So I would rather consider them Hungarians or Germans rather than Jews.That`s why it`s wrong to blame one entire people for the acts of this shameful individuals.
Let`s not fool ourselves:Our common enemy is the Muslim fascism that is trying to spread into Europe by force and the renewal of old WW2 alliances (Germany and its easter satellites) after the end of the Cold War.

BTW Last summer i was in Israel and generally speaking I found out that they like us.What I will remember is standing on the top of the Massada mountain and looking down on the serpentine the Romanians build to conquer this fortress.Unbelievable,I would recommend it to everybody.
