I'm just a new JTF'er, but please!: we should watch our "terminology" here, no matter how shocked or hurt we are. What happened Tuesday is so heinously evil that it's incomprehensible.
A friend told me that Broke Insane Osama admitted after the election that he was born in Kenya. Does anyone have anything about that? This person is profoundly evil AND profoundly stupid.
I agree with the "Very Important" thread that we shouldn't address what's-his-name by the title because the person doesn't deserve to be in that office: it's not constitutional.
Forsake Israel? - chalila/G-d forbid - may it never be!!!
The following scene

from a classic Bob Hope movie (sent by a Chabad friend) is the only explanation for the election result:
VISITOR (Bob Hope): "Do you live here?"
LOCAL: "Yes."
VISITOR: "Well maybe you know what a zombie is?"
LOCAL: "When a person dies and is buried, it seems a certain voodoo priest who . . . who have the power to bring him back to life . . ."
VISITOR'S "GIRL": "How horrible!"
LOCAL: "It's worse than horrible because a zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly, with dead eyes . . . following orders . . . not knowing what they do, not caring."
VISITOR: "You mean like Democrats?"