Author Topic: Mass Grave in Bosnia Found to Contain dead Iraqis - Satire on NATO  (Read 3020 times)

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Offline 4International

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Mass Grave in Bosnia Found to Contain Iraqis [Satire on NATO, the US Clinton administration and the Western Media]

"Smoking Gun" of dead Iraqis in Bosnia [Photo secretly taken in desert in Basra, Iraq]

From the highly respected "Unconfirmed Sources" news wire [LOL!]

Forensic scientists from the WTO [World Trade Organization] have determined that some of the bodies unearthed last week from a mass grave in Bosnia are Iraqis. Identities of most of the bodies have yet to be determined. This will be bad news for Slobodan Milosevic who is currently standing trial for war crimes committed in Bosnia from 1987 until late 2000, prior to and during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

He was originally charged only with the forcible removal of non-Serbs from Bosnia/Herzegovina which resulted in the indiscriminate slaughter of anywhere from 2,788 to 225,000 people – although this number admittedly might include combatants on both sides and Serbs and Roma killed by the Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army.

It now seems, however, that "Milosevic's program of ethnic cleansing stretched all the way to the Middle East," said council for the [Hague "tribunal" Kangaroo Court] prosecution, Geoffrey Nice.

The news has caused a stir among those who were directly involved in the conflict. William Cohen, the US defence secretary during the NATO campaign said that he expects the discovery of more graves containing as many as 100,000 men "aged between 14 and 59" who "may have been murdered."

 British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the new evidence of Milosevic's perfidy "invoked the Holocaust and the spirit of the Second World War." The British press echoed his horror-stricken indignation: "Spirit of the Holocaust," wrote the Daily Mail. The political science journal, The Daily Mirror said the new discovery "invoked the Second World War."

Having not found a single mass grave in 1999, the FBI had gone home.

The Spanish forensic team also returned home, its leader complaining angrily that he and his colleagues
had become part of "a semantic pirouette by the war propaganda machines, because we did not find one - not one - mass grave."

Even The Wall Street Journal dismissed "the mass grave obsession." Instead of "the huge killing fields some investigators were led to expect . . . the pattern is of scattered killings [mostly] in areas where the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army has been active."

The Journal concluded that NATO stepped up its claims about Serbian killing fields when it "saw a fatigued press corps drifting toward the contrary story: civilians killed by Nato's bombs . . . The war in Kosovo was cruel, bitter, savage. Genocide it wasn't."

With the claims of genocide now vindicated, British MP Clare Short is demanding that such "Nazi propagandists" be investigated for intentional mishandling of evidence. The next step, according to Short, is to subject Kosovo to minute examination.

[British intelligence agency] MI6 has yet to bring evidence of the infamous "Serbian rape camps" to the Hague tribunal. This task may be taken up by the American FBI who arrived in Bosnia this week to investigate the newly discovered grave, called "the largest crime scene in the FBI's forensic history."

Short also demanded investigation into false charges that NATO's client in Kosovo, the KLA, was "a terrorist organisation in league with al-Qaeda," as well as that NATO deliberately bombed civilian targets including public transport, hospitals, schools, museums, and churches. She reminded Parliament that Blair had berated Belgrade for its failure to embrace "economic reform" fully.

"People forget," she said, "that Yugoslavia was the last economy in central-southern Europe to be uncolonized by western capital. They had publicly owned petroleum, mining, car and tobacco industries, and 'socially owned enterprises' still predominated."

In the bombing campaign, it was state-owned companies, rather than civilian or military sites, that were targeted. NATO only destroyed 14 Yugoslav army tanks compared with 372 centers of industry.

"Not one foreign or privately owned factory was bombed," Short insisted. "Besides," she added, "it was common knowledge that Milosevic was transporting dead bodies in freezer trucks. Otherwise, they would not have been bombing bridges on Sunday afternoons, and ice cream parlors."

She was referring to charges by the KLA that Milosevic's henchmen had dug up mass graves and transported bodies in freezer trucks to hide evidence of their genocide. "It's now clear that the transportation of dead bodies was common practice and not just a fantasy fed to the press by spooks to explain the lack of evidence of genocide earlier in the trial," said Short.

Short says it is the profound sense of injustice from the international courts that has turned what should have been a "free-market economy" and the privatization of all government assets into a violent, criminalized, UN-administered free market in drugs and [child] prostitution.

The sense of victimization has driven unemployment up to 65 per cent. The KLA, with NATO forces standing by, has consequently been forced to relocate more than 200,000 Serbs, Roma, Bosniaks, Turks, Croats and Jews, and closed 85 Orthodox churches and monasteries, in order to prevent ethnic violence from erupting again.

To make matters worse for Milosevic, traces of banned chemical weapons were found in the autopsies of many of the bodies in the newly uncovered mass grave. Until these recent findings, the former president of Yugoslavia had sought to use his trial as a soapbox to hurl unsupported allegations at NATO and the US of the intentional destruction of Yugoslavia, the funding of terrorists, and the propagation of lies to justify an illegal aggressive war.

The prosecution insists that it was Milosevic who "controlled, manipulated or otherwise utilized Serbian state-run media to spread exaggerated and false messages of ethnically based attacks by Bosnian Muslims and Croats against Serbs intended to create an atmosphere of fear and hatred among Serbs living in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina which contributed to the forcible removal of the majority of non-Serbs," according to the charges. "He thinks it's very clever to accuse his enemies of the very crimes he himself committed," said Nice, "but let's see him squirm out of this."

"Milosevic played us like a Stradivarius violin," wrote the former UN commander in Bosnia, Major General Lewis MacKenzie, last April. "He convinced us we had subsidized and indirectly supported the KLA's violent campaign for an ethnically pure Kosovo. We never blamed him for being the perpetrator of the violence in the early 1990s, and we would have continued to portray him as the designated victim today, if not for this overwhelming evidence to the contrary."

In another blow to Milosevic's defense, anonymous intelligence sources at the CIA have leaked aerial photographs of freezer trucks being offloaded at the site of the mass grave. "When we heard Milosevic standing up there and misrepresenting the intelligence we had submitted," said one veteran CIA spook, "our feelings were deeply hurt. A lot of good spooks put in a lot of hours only to see their work distorted," by the Yugoslavian ex-president. "The CIA is not in the business of concocting lies to serve the interests of the corporate imperialist war machine," he said.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 01:08:55 PM by 4International »

Offline syyuge

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Re: Mass Grave in Bosnia Found to Contain dead Iraqis - Satire on NATO
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2008, 08:56:38 AM »
Mass Grave in Bosnia shall find to Contain dead Iranians - Satire on NATO

Now it should be left to forensic scientists from the IMF [International Monitory Fund] to determine that some of the bodies going to be unearthed next week from a mass grave in Bosnia shall be Iranians.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline george_jtf

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Re: Mass Grave in Bosnia Found to Contain dead Iraqis - Satire on NATO
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2008, 12:34:17 PM »
....perhaps these graves also contained innocent Al Quaeda Suicide bombers, few chinese, an

all you can do is laugh at such b/s which is more fiction than even a science fiction.