Ever since my 'eyes' met Mr Obama's 'eyes' I have felt something
incredibly Dark about his persona.

I am
very interested in JTF members views and opinions that 'Barry Soetoro' aka Barak lightening Obama is the 3rd Anti-Christ and 'Mabus' as mentioned by Nostradamus is infact 'Ray Mabus' Obama's leading advisor on Middle East policy who is looking for a post in an Obama administration, perhaps Secretary of State. Obama fits the bill as Anti-Christ 3 and Ray Mabus is "Mabus" ??.
When Obama becomes president and Secretary of State "Mabus", is
killed in the Middle East, WWIII is on. Mabus is too unusual a name to be a coinsidence?. Is this a pre-nine-eleven moment and we need to heed the prophesies and divert history???.
Please debate/debunk for me;
http://sollogs.com/news/satanbarack.htmlKind regards,
London England.