Through this election the wave of anti semitics will be coming from all over against our Jewish brothers and sisters. Remember we are united and it is our duty to defend them. I for one will and I urge others to do so. I don't know how with the leftists not helping us much by paving the way but our hands are tied, yet we still have to. I feel this is important cause face it, Obama is a grave threat to Israel. And I don't know why American Jews, like many self hating whites have a need to frolic over this affrimative action disaster train that will be a wreck for both America and Israel. But we must. This next four years will be our ultimate test. Already many pro Israel righties Americans are questioning what is the point, if leftist Jews voted 86% for a creature who is going to devistate Israel more then Clinton did and we all know how Clinton did Oslo is a great example.
This is the test for us all no doubt. But for my Christian and Catholic brothers and sisters, this test will be needed to be met. I am concern about the wave. With Obama winning there will be that urgent need. We all saw how the blacks were thrilled and how the chaos is beginning. This is to all whites in general really. Now I have spoken to some rightwing Americans who are in support of Israel 100% but after post election punch in the gut, this is going to be hard to convince em that you can't blame all for a few. That is like blaming all whites cause 64% of whites outside the Philly suberbs voted for this banana eating beast.