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Author Topic: Should JTF go back to the old ways?  (Read 37528 times)

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Offline RanterMaximus

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #175 on: November 17, 2008, 08:18:08 AM »
As a Jewish based organization, I would hop that JTF would be more focused on Israel.  I doubt Chaim sees Ask JTF as a burden.  I just get the feeling that JTF may be in a mild slump due to lack of donations, which Chaim addressed in the last ask JTF.  I think as time moves on and JTF regains focus once Obama and the Dems take over, things will change all around.

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #176 on: November 17, 2008, 09:03:36 AM »
JTF not caring about the USA? How odd. Why do they have this link to the G. Gordon Liddy radio show on the front of the site:

Yes, the biggest publicity JTF has received since August came via the USA based LIddy Radio show where Chaim talked about..... AMERICA!

Righteous Jews no longer on JTF? Huh? I am Jewish. Lubab is Jewish. DWI is Jewish. Takeback is Jewish. What mass Jewish exodus are you talking about?

JTF's numbers are going down? Threads and polls being altered my mystery moderators? The Titanic going down?  What planet do you guys live on? This thread is filled with baseless accusations and borderline conspiracy theories.

All of this is SO SILLY! Paulette, Scriabin, and a few others... you need to calm down and get a grip. 

  Baltimore, MANY of our Jewish brothers have left or banned. This WAS an American forum also.
  There is NO "conspiracy" no "accusations" and you are just being ridiculous. 
  I worked in corporate finance, and when #'s were DOWN, we re-evaluated for strategies that worked in the past, or moved on to a new strategy, it doesnt take an idiot to see the #'s now.
  No "conspiracy'  Takeback America was DAVIDs show, David is an AMERICAN Patriot.  He even feels put off. I dont need to get a 'grip' I just see it for what it is. BTW: Baseball sux with third world nations playing in OUR baseball games- that is why you are STILL rude to ME.
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Offline AsheDina

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #177 on: November 17, 2008, 09:06:40 AM »
The Titanic going down? 

That's AsheDina's metaphor, not mine.

  Well, the metaphor is right. Build up AMERICA here on this forum.  GO BACK to what you were doing- NO- I HATE the term N---er, so, NO- I do NOT condone THAT, there were MANY MANY MANY youtubes and TV that CHANGED people- GO BACK. IT WORKED THEN, NOT now.
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Offline Baltimore

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #178 on: November 17, 2008, 09:24:38 AM »
Scriabin you are a long time good member of this forum and you always have good questions and you play by the rules.  I think you are confused though. The numbers are fine. It is Monday morning on the east coast and there are like 170 people online now looking at the forum.  Those are fine numbers for a regular news day like today.  New Threads are so popular that when you start one it is hard to keep it on the front page. We have close to 2300 members! In less than a year we have more than doubled our membership. Financial contributions are up. These are the facts when it comes to numbers. These are all POSITIVE numbers!  Compare this to Kahane.org's forum. Maybe you are just a glass is half empty kind of guy but it really seems like you are set on painting a gloom and doom picture of JTF that in no way exists in reality. I am posting this for the young people out there and the new people who are reading this thread with confusion. If you have ANY questions about the numbers feel free to personally message me and I can explain them.

If David Ben Moshe is angry about something then he should bring it up to management. It is TOTALLY inappropriate for somebody out there to continue to bring up subtle accusations in a Yoko Ono (wanting to break up the Beatles= wanting to break up JTF) type of way on a public forum.

Name the Jews who have left or been kicked out of JTF. Please name them! It is not some massive list of outstanding citizens. It is a few freaks who have broken easy to follow rules.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #179 on: November 17, 2008, 09:40:03 AM »
Name the Jews who have left or been kicked out of JTF. Please name them! It is not some massive list of outstanding citizens. It is a few freaks who have broken easy to follow rules.

On here I differ with you.

Not all those that have left or been kicked out are freaks..  Some just want to be left alone and not be spoken about. So you shouldn't ask people to name them.

There are also regulars that have been threatened with being kicked out.  You could say for being freaks, breaking easy to follow rules e.t.c. But I doubt you intended to call them freaks, since they are still here.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #180 on: November 17, 2008, 11:42:11 AM »
JTF not caring about the USA? How odd. Why do they have this link to the G. Gordon Liddy radio show on the front of the site:

Yes, the biggest publicity JTF has received since August came via the USA based LIddy Radio show where Chaim talked about..... AMERICA!

Righteous Jews no longer on JTF? Huh? I am Jewish. Lubab is Jewish. DWI is Jewish. Takeback is Jewish. What mass Jewish exodus are you talking about?

JTF's numbers are going down? Threads and polls being altered my mystery moderators? The Titanic going down?  What planet do you guys live on? This thread is filled with baseless accusations and borderline conspiracy theories.

All of this is SO SILLY! Paulette, Scriabin, and a few others... you need to calm down and get a grip. 

  Baltimore, MANY of our Jewish brothers have left or banned. This WAS an American forum also.
  There is NO "conspiracy" no "accusations" and you are just being ridiculous. 
  I worked in corporate finance, and when #'s were DOWN, we re-evaluated for strategies that worked in the past, or moved on to a new strategy, it doesnt take an idiot to see the #'s now.
  No "conspiracy'  Takeback America was DAVIDs show, David is an AMERICAN Patriot.  He even feels put off. I dont need to get a 'grip' I just see it for what it is. BTW: Baseball sux with third world nations playing in OUR baseball games- that is why you are STILL rude to ME.

It's not because of JTF's relative "political correctness"; It's because the economy isn't so good.  So people are looking for jobs and can't afford their internet right now.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Baltimore

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #181 on: November 17, 2008, 12:02:55 PM »
Name the Jews who have left or been kicked out of JTF. Please name them! It is not some massive list of outstanding citizens. It is a few freaks who have broken easy to follow rules.

On here I differ with you.

Not all those that have left or been kicked out are freaks..  Some just want to be left alone and not be spoken about. So you shouldn't ask people to name them.

There are also regulars that have been threatened with being kicked out.  You could say for being freaks, breaking easy to follow rules e.t.c. But I doubt you intended to call them freaks, since they are still here.

No good Jew is a freak. I want to make that clear.

My point is that there is not some hit list of people to kick out or some black list.  There has been no mass exodus of Jews from the JTF forum.  The  moderators here are normal people who want to keep this forum clean. They have no hidden agendas. 

This thread has been filled with accusations and misinformation and I am just here to clear things up. People are blowing things way out of proportion. JTF is what it has always been. People can quit when ever they like. There are no hidden agendas.

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #182 on: November 17, 2008, 12:28:57 PM »
Scriabin you are a long time good member of this forum and you always have good questions and you play by the rules.  I think you are confused though. The numbers are fine. It is Monday morning on the east coast and there are like 170 people online now looking at the forum.  Those are fine numbers for a regular news day like today.  New Threads are so popular that when you start one it is hard to keep it on the front page. We have close to 2300 members! In less than a year we have more than doubled our membership. Financial contributions are up. These are the facts when it comes to numbers. These are all POSITIVE numbers!  Compare this to Kahane.org's forum. Maybe you are just a glass is half empty kind of guy but it really seems like you are set on painting a gloom and doom picture of JTF that in no way exists in reality. I am posting this for the young people out there and the new people who are reading this thread with confusion. If you have ANY questions about the numbers feel free to personally message me and I can explain them.

If David Ben Moshe is angry about something then he should bring it up to management. It is TOTALLY inappropriate for somebody out there to continue to bring up subtle accusations in a Yoko Ono (wanting to break up the Beatles= wanting to break up JTF) type of way on a public forum.

Name the Jews who have left or been kicked out of JTF. Please name them! It is not some massive list of outstanding citizens. It is a few freaks who have broken easy to follow rules.

  SIGHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS   You just said that David is "ANGRY" I didnt.  Name my brothers? FOR WHAT? To hang them OUT TO DRY? NO! YOU GO and FIGURE it OUT, Baltimore.  RIGHT now, there ARE 140 visitors, there were ALWAYS OVER 600-700 @ a time, I am NOT LYING, I KNEW the #'s then, and I see them NOW. 
  Really, it is NOT I that 'sounds like a conspiracy theorist'  -Scriabin is a GOOD STRONG MAN & his words NEED to be taken heed to, STRONGLY- Scriabin and I, among MANY others have told the TRUTH.
  It now is up to you all to COME OUT OF THE FOG, and DO WHAT YOU WERE DOING BEFORE. 
  I am WITH Scriabin. 100%. He is RIGHT, and NEEDS to be LISTENED to. PERIOD. 
  END of THIS topic for ME.
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Offline q_q_

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #183 on: November 17, 2008, 12:34:10 PM »
This thread has been filled with accusations and misinformation and I am just here to clear things up. People are blowing things way out of proportion. JTF is what it has always been. People can quit when ever they like. There are no hidden agendas.

I was only differing with you on the one point.

When I said "On here I differ with you.". It suggested that on the rest, I don't really differ.. I won't strongly agree either simply because I don't really care to focus on the nonsense some guy may have written, lest I remember it.
And this whole discussion is not very intellectually stimulating.  

The discussions here are not of eternal significance. But, one thing is, I hope that your great spelling has taught people something.

You spelt accusation correctly (as well as the rest), I hope others make a point to look at that word, spelt correctly, and not get it wrong.

Offline syyuge

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #184 on: November 17, 2008, 01:52:10 PM »
It may be only a temporary transitional phase, till the throne gets altered.

It seems that some people have got psychologically engulfed after the Obama event. Let the tide go down by itself.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Masha

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #185 on: November 17, 2008, 02:09:25 PM »
RIGHT now, there ARE 140 visitors, there were ALWAYS OVER 600-700 @ a time, I am NOT LYING, I KNEW the #'s then, and I see them NOW. 

Is there a way to see some kind of a graph with the number of visitors every day over the past year, for example? This should be helpful to assess what's going on.

Offline Scriabin

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Re: Should JTF go back to the old ways?
« Reply #186 on: November 17, 2008, 03:38:18 PM »
SIGHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS   You just said that David is "ANGRY" I didnt.  Name my brothers? FOR WHAT? To hang them OUT TO DRY? NO! YOU GO and FIGURE it OUT, Baltimore.  RIGHT now, there ARE 140 visitors, there were ALWAYS OVER 600-700 @ a time, I am NOT LYING, I KNEW the #'s then, and I see them NOW. 
  Really, it is NOT I that 'sounds like a conspiracy theorist'  -Scriabin is a GOOD STRONG MAN & his words NEED to be taken heed to, STRONGLY- Scriabin and I, among MANY others have told the TRUTH.
  It now is up to you all to COME OUT OF THE FOG, and DO WHAT YOU WERE DOING BEFORE. 
  I am WITH Scriabin. 100%. He is RIGHT, and NEEDS to be LISTENED to. PERIOD. 
  END of THIS topic for ME.

Thanks, AsheDina.