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Islamic hate for the Black
« on: November 17, 2008, 11:15:20 AM »     

Unpopular Arab Thoughts That All Arabs Have Thought

Black Converts To Islam Are a JOKE To The Arab Moslems
February 23, 2006
If you are one of the many Blacks who have gone to prison and there converted to ISLAM, this article is for you.

If you want to learn about the CRUEL TRICK that Arab Moslems are playing on BLACKS EVERYWHERE, this article is for you.

If you think that ISLAM is a faith of love and brotherhood, you are WRONG, because nothing is further from the truth, and this article is for you.

One of my family is an Arab Moslem, so I know what I am talking about.

There are four main reasons that support my contention of why BLACKS are a JOKE to the Arab Moslem population:

1: To the Moslems, darkness is evil.

2: How Black skin came about.

3: What BLACK means in Arabic

4: “If only she was lighter…”

My first reason involves the fact that the color black is seen as dark, evil, the territory of the devil. This may be because the desert is very hot, and many Moslem men wear the white Jalabeya to keep cool. This may also be why ISLAM, a religion based on the unfairest of hierarchies, prefers women to don the abaya and cover their faces with black cloth. People wearing all black (and silver jewelry, especially) are seen as satanic or witchlike.

My second reason can be traced back to the tale of Noah, whose son saw him naked. The son (Ham) was cursed with slavery, and this is where the beginning of black people was.

My third reason goes back to this inception of slavery and the slaves. Arab Moslems do not tell their black “friends” that the word for BLACK, as in a Black person, in Arabic is “SLAVE.” This means that if you are a Black man, your Arab Moslem “friend” would describe you thus: “A man walked in to the store, and he was searching for you. He was a well-dressed slave, and wanted to buy some French fries.” :::D :::D

My final reason involves the dismay that an Arab Moslem will express at someone’s darkness. For example, if your new baby girl was born and your wife was knocked out on drugs, but surfaced long enough to ask if she was pretty, you might say “She is very dark, but I think she might grow up to be pretty, anyway.”
Again, darkness is seen as a CURSE. Being light or pale is seen as a BLESSING. A compliment in Arabic says “Your Heart is White.”

BLACKS becoming MOSLEMS is a big joke to the real MOSLEMS, especially since BLACKS today can’t follow the rules of ISLAM. They can’t stop wearing their silk shirts, tight clothing, gold jewelry, or give up their burgers and fries long enough to find a store that sells Halal Meat.

To all BLACKS who fell into this trap of ISLAM to avoid White Supremacy, please know that not ONLY are you in danger of being the butt of a JOKE, but your spiritual life is in JEOPARDY. Furthermore, you are only being subjected to ARAB supremacy, which is like jumping out of the frying pan, rolling around in breadcrumbs, and flying right back into that pan!

Many BLACKS began as Baptists or other denominations, and had very good morals and respected women, but then they joined the ISLAMIC faith, which is no faith.

PLEASE, BLACK BRETHREN: Rejoin your Mother Church and be appreciated for WHO YOU ARE, instead of avoiding Jesus because you think He was a White Supremacist.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: Islamic hate for the Black
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2008, 11:27:45 AM »
I knew a black muslim who would tell me that the racism arabs have towards blacks is terrible, unbelievable.  I never asked him about it though.. 

Offline briann

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Re: Islamic hate for the Black
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2008, 11:38:09 AM »
isn't it ironic that Black Nationalists are always members of the Nation of Islam.