Most people (stupidly but understandably) believe that anti-racism exists because black men are disadvantaged. But the origins of these laws and social practices lie in the fact that black men are inherently superior to white men in many ways that white women comprehend and feel most closely. So for example, the lie that children are taught in school, that skin colour does not correlate with penis size, is a lie for the sake of white boys. Because if racial truths became widely known, white boys would have no luck at all with white girls. The white girls would completely abandon them.
These social conventions exist to shield white boys from their inevitable eclipse and replacement by blacks and Muslims. But it will not stop that process. These anti-racist practices are designed simply to tide the process over and prevent friction; the days of the white boys are numbered in either case.
White girls are abandoning white boys in droves.
The only thing white boys have left now is to become homosexuals, and live a second-rate life of misery, debauchery, and a destitution of the spirit.
This is what the woman woman's lusts have done to us.
We are dead already