The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Fruit of thy loins:
Permit me draw your attention, (which you will have noted many times already,) once more to the fact that explicit racial chauvinism is only denied to potential white students and professors. Sounds like white people are at a disadvantage, right? Well that's not the way it's intended. The white people are training their own kind to abandon all forms of explicit racial self-expression at the same time as tightening the laws on racial hatred. Meanwhile chauvinism is encouraged in Muslims and blacks. What that means is that, in a few years' time, when or if the economic situation tightens up a little, and freedom of speech (which never existed throughout any of human history until the 1960s) looks less desirable, many of these [censored] and Arab dirt can be thrown straight into jail for their crimes - G-D BE WILLING.
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 04, 2007, 06:28:23 AM ---Permit me draw your attention, (which you will have noted many times already,) once more to the fact that explicit racial chauvinism is only denied to potential white students and professors. Sounds like white people are at a disadvantage, right? Well that's not the way it's intended. The white people are training their own kind to abandon all forms of explicit racial self-expression at the same time as tightening the laws on racial hatred. Meanwhile chauvinism is encouraged in Muslims and blacks. What that means is that, in a few years' time, when or if the economic situation tightens up a little, and freedom of speech (which never existed throughout any of human history until the 1960s) looks less desirable, many of these schvartzas and Arab dirt can be thrown straight into jail for their crimes - G-D BE WILLING.
--- End quote ---
You're assuming that the laws will be enforced equally.
I believe the hate speech laws will be enforced against whites...but NOT against non-whites.
Only G-d-fearing people truly understand the concept of law above man. Leftists and 3rd worlders don't understand this concept....they make laws and break laws according to their own random likes and dislikes.
Hate speech laws are only aimed at white people. They will never be enforced against non-whites in any serious manner.
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