Save Western Civilization > Save Europe
No jobs for you - BECAUSE YOU ARE WHITE!
Lol, so I'm guessing you don't like the conservatives? I would have thought the BNP would side with them since Labour is very Left-wing.
Yep well politics is twisted these days. Have you heard about the Levy case recently, its suprising Tony didn't get arrested as well.
--- Quote ---I thought guns were outlawed in England these days"
--- End quote ---
The more the reason to have them. People enjoy breaking the law and seemingly get away with it or enjoy an easy life in prison for a couple of months. The police turn up when kids are messing around with PLASTIC TOY guns, but when real ones are involved, they never seem to be around. The schvartzas like stuffing them down their pants as well. A couple of teenagers were shot in their homes in the past few months, they called it "gang feud".
--- Quote from: sarah.... on March 07, 2007, 04:47:46 PM ---Lol, so I'm guessing you don't like the conservatives? I would have thought the BNP would side with them since Labour is very Left-wing.
Yep well politics is twisted these days. Have you heard about the Levy case recently, its suprising Tony didn't get arrested as well.
--- End quote ---
The Conservative Party was founded upon anti-democratic principles, and classism.
The BNP is very democratic and very much against classism.
Nothing surprises me. Lord Levy is regarded as a man of honour in Israel. I am almost bored to death with the British newsmedia. One cannot go on recycling. There come a point where spiritual knowledge is the only way to make sense of the world.
I hope that you are keeping well.
Fruit of thy loins:
Christianity and democracy are abominations before my sight. I like the Conservative party's proposal to 'severely' restrict non-EU immigration. We can handle Caucasians from within the EU region, it is the primitive Caucasians from Muslim countries that we cannot handle. Obviously we don't want any more Negroids. But then again who does?
Fruit that does not eliminate the fact that Arab Caucasians will still immigrate to Britain. They somehow are easily able to get other European national status in countries such as France and Spain. Or manipulating try and marry native born Europeans to acclaim this status. If the conservatives did issue that law, then the Arabs would still be able to enter the country as easily as they do today. The politicans say these things but few actually take action. The conservatives, if they do return to power, may suddenly reform and take a "butt-licking" approach towards the Muslim and ethnic communties to draw in their votes. Who knows with politics these days.......
Fruit of thy loins:
So the BNP is going to become the party of Christians, democrats, small shop-keepers, and integrationists. 'It's frightfully civilized to see one's granddaughter go out on a date with Jamal the Jamaican after she's done her piano lessons. He's such a nice boy, he drinks tea and plays cricket for the local team.'
What a farce.
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