The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
9/11 5 Years Later
This upcoming Monday is the 5 year memorial of the worst attack to of taken place in the United States. And 5 years have gone by and quite frankly the country did not learn from it. Starting off by our elected officials who show time and time again their only interest is who can line their wallets faster. And that includes Muslim countries. You would think after over 3,000 Americans were killed by cold heartless bastards from that pig cult called Islam, this country would get it together. But turns out we are going in reverse. WTC 93, was not the wake up call. WTC 01 also wasn't the wake up call. Just look at the amount of mosques that have popped up across the country. Why are so many people so afraid to tell it like it is that Islam has to get out of this countr. Period! That the feds should monitor everyone of these toilet bowl mosques. This is about security and Islam is a threat to our security and every single one of us. You can see how the government is concern they want to open our borders up bring in more illegals that are not only from Mexico but many from Muslim countries that have zero loyalty to the U.S. My favorite joke of them all putting Muzzies in the U.S. armed forces. Does the word INSANE mean anything to anyone?
My sentiments exactly MasterWolf1 we are living in a sick society. Russia said that Americas decline would be internal and boy were they ever right. I cant decide if its stupidity or greed that causes our government to toss open the borders to the low life illeagle scum that comes here. Talk show host Bob Grant use to say " its sick and getting sicker out there" and boy was he ever right.
--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on September 07, 2006, 08:06:07 PM ---Does the word INSANE mean anything to anyone?
--- End quote ---
Only to sane people.
I know, MasterWolf1... this planet is one screwed up place.
Christian Zionist:
The death of about 3000 innocents is one thing but the perversion caused by this moron George Bush made millions to believe that islam is a religion of peace. Shortly after 9/11 Bush started calling islam as a religion of peace repeatedly. Millions of innocents believed that lie and still under the spell of his lie. It is preaching Islam to the Judeo Christian world. Thank God for the efforts of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell to enlighten people about the dangers of Islam. US Presidents should stay away from telling what Americans have to believe when it comes to religion. Bush still does not have the will to ban terrorist muslim organizations like CAIR.
The damage caused by George Bushullah is much greater than the damage caused by muslim terrorists on 9/11. May he burn in the hottest spot in hell.
I'm not a Christian but I really like Pat Robertson.
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