That video blew me away...
I think that first and foremost, all nations are so called puppets of Gd...but with enough free will that Gd would direct the story differently if a nation chooses one thing or the other.
Let's go point by point.
The US is definately NOT a puppet of the Israel.
And both nations are a puppet to big businesses and oil companies to a certain degree.
HOwever, is Israel a puppet of the US or not? I would rather say that Israel relies very heavily on the opinions of the world and the USA, WITHOUT A DOUBT! At times they rely too much. They are better off relying less if at all.
lessons to be tought from history and lessons from this movement that for us to be who we ought to be and to survive, we have to be tough and be ready to act especially when it is our survival. We cannot be apologetic when it comes to surviving. When there are those who wish to kill us, we need to smite them first.