The REASON that the Christians bible is getting ATTACKED, is b/c these SLUGS KNOW that Christians are FORGIVING.
They USE this AGAINST Christians. I am sorry people, but the gays will just keep going with this- it is NOT silly- it is BLASPHEMOUS, as they ALSO say "Tanach" the reason that these PIGS do this, I am telling you, is b/c Christians ALL OVER have been PROGRAMMED to DO NOTHING, b/c IF THEY DO- they are labeled as "HATERS"
DO SOMETHING for crying out LOUD! This should NOT be taken lightly!
This is a SERIOUS OFFENSE against the Christian peoples bible!!!!!
I hate to even bring this up because this is a Jewish message board but years back there was a movie that made fun of Jesus and Christians turned out in droves to protest it, and do you know what it did? It made the movie extremely popular and more profitable for its makers.
Should we make the same mistake with this movie?
It's a dilemma, it really is. I don't know what to do about this kind of thing. As you said the second we say anything against homosexual perversion or this kind of horrible distortion of the Bible, we're equated with those morons from Westboro.
Ruby, this IS A Jewish board- but there are a LOT of GOOD gentiles on it that have supported JTF bigtime. While other people may not remember, I DO, I KNOW what GOOD gentiles do, when Jews have been forced with indoctriation and gassed. If it were not for the gentiles who saved the Jews in EU from Hilers reign, we would not even have the survivors or their children.
While a lot of the Torah that is in the N.T. is messed up, about 80% is NOT, so it IS our book TOO.
No, I will stand with the gentiles and fight for their Christmas & Easter, if it were not for righteous gentiles there would not even be an AMERICA, for Jews to have lived FREE for way over 200 years. the Christians that myself and David love, NEVER force us into ANY indoctrination and have supported JTF.
David Ben Moshe and I both agree, this is a CHRISTIAN America, and we dont want it ANY other way, we HAVE to STOP this, before this INSANITY gets here. Now we have to find out HOW.