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Noor Khan:
Y the hell would u want to NUKE CHINA????

Re:  "...Y the hell would u want to NUKE CHINA?..."

Wee rearry rikee bro-w up roodle factolee!

Yew rikee Chinee Nyew Ye-ah?

Yew got-um' bow-regs, Chorrie?

Kow-tow Chyairmon Mao?


--- Quote from: Noor Khan on April 10, 2007, 04:55:02 PM ---Y the hell would u want to NUKE CHINA????

--- End quote ---
Probably before they Nuke you.

Salam alakum Habibi....  JUST KIDDING....   Welcome aboard.  You'll love this book.  If you'd like a good video you might watch either the interviews with Robert Spencer or one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy" based on Cleon Skousen's work "The Naked Capitalist". 

And Sarah, you are 100% correct.  One night should be sent aside for the nuking of Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Mecca, Damascus, Havana and....perhaps Paris...

Might as well just nuke the world except for Israel and a few loyal countries. :)


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