I thought it was interesting that it was the non-white voters who did the right thing this time. Apparently this leftist thinks the are uneducated along with the churches. Every once in a while a bit of truth will come out of these crazies. Melissa Etherage's challenge against paying income taxes was very short lived.
So, did you read this paragraph and conclude (as your subject has it) , that -
"Leftist thinks non-white voters are uneducated"
Here is what it said.
"Voters' economic status and religious convictions" (played a big role)
"Age and race, meanwhile, were not as strong factors as assumed. According to the poll, 56 percent of voters over age 55 and 57 percent of nonwhite voters cast a yes ballot for the gay marriage ban."
It may be that blacks are just as likely to belong to a church as whites are. They just go to horrible churches. But perhaps still churches honest enough to be against gay marriage.