Author Topic: TODAY'S THE DAY! PRAY FOR LEO AND CORT  (Read 779 times)

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Offline Cyberella

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« on: December 15, 2008, 08:40:32 AM »

Cort and Leo will hear today if their case will be heard.

There's a Keyes press conference on the steps of the court house in Sacramento, Ca at 12:30 today.

Be sure to watch the National Press Conference held a few days ago:*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GWYF&um=1&sa=N&tab=wv#+
Pay special attention to Orley. She really slams the press.
(click on her part of the conference videos on the left side of the screen)

The latest from Joe Thunder at
Sunday 12-14-08 9:00 PM

12-14-08 Keyes Lawsuit Press Conference in Sacramento Mon 12-15-08 12:30 PM

Location: CA State Capitol - Corner of "L" and 11th Streets, Sacramento, CA

1. Attend
2. Bring signs with out sticks.
3. Bring your birth certificate and show it to the media.

Official Press Release Follows:

RE: AIP/Electoral College Capitol Press Conference set for Monday

For Immediate Release     -    Event Notice    -    Press Conference

Time: Mon 12-15-08, 12:30 PM
Place: California State Capitol, Sacramento California at the Corner of “L” and 11th Streets

Topic: Unlawful Occupation of Presidency and Invalid Electoral College Process

Conference Contact: Tony Andrade, 916-230-2123; [email protected]
Media Contact: Markham Robinson, State Chairman, American Independent Party; Party HQ 707-359-4884 Home: 707-448-7062; Office: 707-451-8985; Temp Cell: 707-761-3009; Fax: 707-222-6040

Questions from Press following statement.

Questions from Press following statement.

The American Independent Party insists that Barack Obama prove that he is a “Natural born” American citizen. There is no personal testimony that Obama was born in Hawaii as there is that he was born in Mombasa District, now part of Kenya. The burden of proof is on Obama.

Hawaii’s unique laws allow for birth certificates to indicate foreign birth. Is that what his indicates? We have not seen it. Instead of spending tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars resisting its production and even defying a court order to do so, why not spend the $12 to produce a copy for us all to examine? Is the answer, just possibly, that Barack Obama is afraid of what it would reveal?

Similar doubts concerning possible Indonesian citizenship exist. These, too, urgently need to be resolved.

What is about to occur in the State Capitol is fatally flawed in three ways:

1.    The likely result is that a man whose qualifications to assume the office of the President are quite dubious will receive our California Electoral College vote because of a judicial disinclination to give the People their right to be heard.


2.    Electors apparently not individually nominated by Democratic Congressional Candidates as required by the California Election code will vote in the Electoral College.


3.    Electors will be constrained to vote as a block rather than individually as is their right and duty according to procedures set down in the Constitution and will thereby deprive California of a legitimate voice in the Electoral College.

On all these grounds and more, I fear greatly for our People. Unlawful occupation of the Office of the President means no new valid legislation. No valid nominations, including to the Supreme Court. No valid Executive Orders. No lawful commands as Commander in Chief.

Such a situation paralyzes legitimate government. The longer the imposture is maintained, the worse it becomes. Reliance upon eventually voided legislation is extremely perilous. Reliance upon the actions of appointees unlawfully occupying offices will prove equally disastrous. But worse is the debilitating distrust of our democratic processes that will ensue. Our democratic system depends upon trust. As Obama swears to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, if he thereby takes office unlawfully, he is actually attacking it. This puts our entire Constitutional order in peril and may destroy the Republic.

Law Office of Gary G Kreep, Esq., Representing Alan Keyes, Wiley Drake and Markham Robinson
932 D St. Suite 2, Ramona CA 92065
Office: 760-787-9907; Cell: 760-803-4029

Cort Wrotnowski and Leo Donofrio wait to hear the SCOTUS determination Monday morning. We did this last week,
but per Leo, this case has been improved and is more likely to be moved forward. The media blackout on all this
is interesting and saddening as well. The Globe had a breaking story today, and people don't usually take the tabloids
seriously. BUT The National Enquirer broke the John Edwards affair story which the LA Times had sat on for months.
It seems the tabloids can be more reliable than the MSM when it comes to accurately reporting.

Cross your fingers and pray for Cort and Leo. They're good guys and Patriots. I met them face-to-face.  Regardless of the
SCOTUS ruling, many more people are aware of serious BO issues. This helps empower our nation. Obama's agenda is not
right for our country, and its our responsibility to contain him.

If we can't stop him, we'll hobble him. See the The Globe Magazine here.

Saturday 12-13-08 11:00 PM

We're making strong progress on our new site. It will be a whopper. We must be doing something correctly - the Obots are out
in force against us. That's OK.

I don't know much about a falling-out between Leo Donofrio and Plains Radio. We're all on the same side. is
independent from everyone and has no favorites. We support fellow Patriots and are not judgmental or critical of anyone taking
action. I started in radio to advance and attract volunteers to Some folks like it, for which I am grateful.

For the volunteers whom I have yet to contact, please be patient. I will get to you. Please forgive me for being a tad overwhelmed.
I do need to hear from our editorial contributor volunteers to launch our new site. Our topics are as follows:



Foreign Policy

National Security



Saturday 12-13-08 11:00 AM

After 12 hrs of coma-like sleep, I'm again recharged and am moving fast. We'll have more announcements soon. The Patriot Brigade Talk Radio Network is an incredibly useful vehicle for us., and our Radio Network, will focus on disseminating accurate, full-disclosure media and information which is one of our primary objectives as indicated on our Mission page. It is vital to our educational objectives which is also listed on our Mission page.

Combined with the new advanced web platform, we will be able to merge technology and communication to achieve a positive and productive impact on our Great Nation and the world.

Our message is not only nonpartisan, it is actually apolitical. Our focus is effective actions to strengthen the United States, and convey the concept and true meaning of Freedom.  We support Patriot Leaders - not politicians. Supporters around the world will join and assist our efforts.

Barack Obama is merely an icon for the challenges we face as a nation and as Free People worldwide. shall become a center for coordination and communication for Free People worldwide and for those poor souls who can only dream of it at this time.





Friday 12-12-08 7:00 PM PST

1. and Joe Thunder has purchased the Patriot Brigade Talk Radio Network with the Overnight AM
radio show with host Lan Lamphere. The Patriot Brigade Radio Network has the Internet reach of an audience larger than that of Glenn Beck. We will soon extend that reach into many broadcast radio markets on the AM band. Lan remains the captain of his show. I've come to know him quite well, and he is undoubtedly a Patriot. He is truly a brilliant guy.
You all know what is my mission and organizational goals. The network purchase will enable us to inform and educate millions around around the world. I am quite pleased with the investment and respectfully request your participation to restore our Great Nation. MSM will now have new and effective competition. It is an exciting event for us all.

2. The Patriot Brigade radio network shall focus on public education and recovering our economy by providing special low-cost advertsing to industries most negatively impacted by the current economic situation and other unique global marketing efforts that benefit worthy American firms. 

3. I'll continue the Joe Thunder radio show, but my time is limited. We have other business interests that are in need of my attention.

4. Cort Wrotnowski's case was conferenced today at the SCOTUS. Keep your fingers crossed - we'll have a determination on that Mon.

5. The new advanced web platform is well in development, and we hope to launch next week.

6. I am exhausted by many 16 and 20 hr nonstop days and am recovering from a severe illness as well. Mrs. Thunder has sewn me into the sheets...again. Will be down for R&R around 12 hrs.

7. I have an incredible amount of info to share. Will do so as time continues. Thank you are all the well-wishes and support.

8. Listen to Thursday's Joe Thunder show here.

Click Special Edition

Thurs 12-11-08 6:30 AM  Monday's Press Conference Tapes are up

T'was an ordeal just getting back to LA. 6 Hrs stuck in Houston due to SNOW. Strange days are afoot.

Offical NPC Tapes are posted by Bob Schultz. (I love that guy.)*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GWYF&um=1&sa=N&tab=wv#+

It's a long PC, but the MSM has labeled these good folks as "conspiracy theorists" and the "fringe." Typical. Wanting to verify that BO is qualified is no conspiracy theory - fringe maybe, but we should have more finge types in our society then. There is nothing more American than individualism.

I must admit that the E-ticket trip to DC is something to still get my mind around. FM met a lot of new people, and we now have many contacts on the ground in DC. My term for what we'll produce is "Reality Media." There is tons going on in the baackground we'll show you.

Here's Pastor Manning at the PC. (Have to love Pastor Manning. What a steel spine.)

I heard enough to curl my hair while in DC. I'm not a fan of conspiracies per se, but trends and movements are not conspiracies. I'll announce more as I can confirm. Will get an audio entry up later. Mrs. Thunder is after me to get some rack time.
The show tonight will be good.


Wed 12-10-08

Tape Status

Am moving fast. No time for an audio entry. Our radio reach will soon be HUGE. Had a meet this morning with some movers and shakers in DC. We're gaining big-time traction. Will report as I'm able to release more info.

Press Conference tapes have a tech hiccup. (Mine do.) I flew out of the press conference to Fed Ex the tapes for processing and production by Overnight AM. (Lan has a giant professional video processing facility.) The DVDs needed to be "finalized," and only the camera can do it. Blame operator error. So a slight delay in my personal vids.

The official professional vids recorded by the NPC should come online today. Am working on it.

Must catch a flight. It's been the most productive 3 days in my life. Will have shows about it. Thanks to everyone for their support. shall become highly-capable and influential. Listen to last night's radio show here. (Click Tues)

Will upload radio shows to this FM site as soon as possible.



The Supreme Court Vigil was perfect. We wanted a small, dignified, and respectful vigil for our Justices and Constitution. This was no protest.  Joe Thunder was in contact with the Supreme Court Threat Unit, and attendance was quite close to what was expected - we wanted no circus. Many thanks to the Patriots who braved a frosty and early December morning.

Our mission has been to attract big media to the dozens of legal actions challenging Obama's Constitutional eligibility/qualification to serve as US President.  FreedomMarch was a significant contributor to the effort, and we participate in numerous publicized and  upcoming lawsuits.

Millions of Americans are now aware of the many Obama legal challenges.

The legal components are complex and not well-known by the general public. Joe Thunder is in direct contact with many legal experts, and many of the suits filed appear to have legal merit, meaning worthy of court review.   The Court shall decide the Constitutional issues -  it is the only entity truly qualified to do so by the Constitution.   

The vigil was planned during the Joe Thunder Radio Show. The vigil has been mentioned in many mainstream media outlets when discussing the pending Donofrio v. Wells action.


« Last Edit: December 15, 2008, 08:52:14 AM by Cyberella »