Enough with the nuttiness! Jesus was a Jew - he probably looked very much the way Semitic people look today. Where this crazy nonsense comes from that Jesus was black is beyond me. I love the politically correct version of history that we see today - especially in films. But films and movies are not real. Anthropology and archeology are. From all the evidence, the Jews who lived along the Sea of Galilee were just that, middle-eastern Jews. Nothing fancy. No wandering Ethiopians or Nubians, just plain Jews. During the first centuries of Christianity, there was an active church in Carthage in North Africa - in fact, one of the great theologians of the early church, Augustine, was a North African. This black-obsessed silliness when it comes to biblical and historical figures is just that. I have seen so many black women wearing cameos of Nefertiti, the mother of the boy-pharoah Tutankhamen, and have seen her constantly represented as a black woman. This is not supported by the historical fact - please see the attached picture. Nefertiti was a princess of the Mittani, where present-day Syria/Lebanon is. The bust you see is in the Berlin Museum and was painted from life - meaning that the Queen herself sat for the portrait. As you can see, she is not a black woman. So why do so many Afrocentrists insist in ignoring the historic truth? It does not matter what color these people were - who cares? But historic fact does matter - and it should not be changed to suit current trends in revisionist history.