The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Muslim Hotties
Arab females are usually ugly. But some eg Pakistani Muslim women, who were originally of Hindu Indian stock, aren't too bad, and may be redeemable.
When Moshiach commences his military campaigns the mitzvah of yafes toar will be reinstated: the more beautiful gentile women will be captured, converted, married and impregnated by our Jewish soldiers, all l'shem mitzvah!
"When you go to war against your enemies and G-d, your G-d gives them over to you and you take captives; and you see a beautiful female captive whom you desire to take as a wife, then you shall bring her home and ..." (Devarim 21)
The one on the right is alright, a bit angry looking though.
The one on the left is no 'hottie' I can assure you.
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: Scriabin on March 15, 2007, 10:54:45 AM ---The one on the right is alright, a bit angry looking though.
The one on the left is no 'hottie' I can assure you.
--- End quote ---
How do you feel about Muslim men? Do they turn you on? :-*
They've both already stolen the window drapes! ;D
I know you'll get annoyed at me saying so, but a lot of Israeli women look like lebanese women or some arab women.
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