The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Muslim Hotties

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Wow Nonny great explanation. You said that Judaism balances both religions so why did it exist before both of them as well. I mean wouldn't it be more logical for the two extremes to come beforehand and Judaism to correct them with the balance. Since Islam and Christianity do contain many partial elements of truth, we should respect them right? Maybe not the muslim people but some parts of Islam because otherwise we would be mocking some of Haschems truths?
I think it the prophet once stated in a hadith-or it was in the quran. That if one is unsure about some of Islams ideologies then they should compare and return to the bible-Tanach. You said that major elements of truth have been spread accross the world but along with that it has brought even more diversity and wrong doings that cause people to go the completely wrong way Whilst recognising these truths, which is in some ways worse because they are ignoring them unlike not knowing them.

There is a Kabbalistic explanation for Xtianity and Islam, involving the Supernal Sefirot of Chesed and Gevurah, and their counterparts in the realm of evil, chessed d'klippah (Ishmael=Arabs=Islam) and gevruah d'klippah (Edom=Rome=Xtianity), but for that you must consult an expert like Rav Ginsburgh


--- Quote from: Nonny on March 15, 2007, 07:05:18 PM ---There is a Kabbalistic explanation for Xtianity and Islam, involving the Supernal Sefirot of Chesed and Gevurah, and their counterparts in the realm of evil, chessed d'klippah (Ishmael=Arabs=Islam) and gevruah d'klippah (Edom=Rome=Xtianity), but for that you must consult an expert like Rav Ginsburgh

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I'm sorry but i didn't understand any of that and my internet security blocks that website.

Christian Zionist:
Look at this hotty!

Suicide granny ;D


--- Quote from: Nonny on March 15, 2007, 06:43:00 PM ---Only Judaism is able to balance when to have mercy and when to kill.

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Not when it comes to women according to the Kahanists. To criticize a women according to the Kahanist is being a Muslim and is like raping them. That's what some on this board have told me. They called me a muslim and satan for criticizing Lisa when she was tellling me not to be insulted when she never saw the show I was talking about.

I'm sure you know the main administrator of this forum Yacov Menashe himself is from a divorced family and lives with his mother. I just hope Yacov practices what he preaches and since he believe men are inheritely immature and need women to civilize them he asks his mommy about everything he posts on this site. He likely blames his father for everything which is a violation of Honor thy Father and Mother. The Kahanists believe in only Honor thy mother but becuase men are inheritely immature and even though they are your father you always take the mothers side during a divorce. Especially if she lives in the nicer home and is extorting money from the father for no good reason. No wonder Yacov rarely says anything nice about men. I'm not shocked at this either. This movement is a horror show when it comes to family issues between a Jewish man and a Jewish women and Jewish men have no rights. How a henpecked nation can defeat our enemies I have no idea how they can.


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