The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Black muslims killed in fire

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Fruit of thy loins:
Sarah and ftf, the fact that JTF has absolutely zero politically-correct handwringing is one of its most attractive features to people like me.  If Chaim was a simpering Englishman wringing his hands over dead Muslims then I would not be one of his admirers.

While its sad to see anyone die in a fire however  the situation that caused the deaths was created by the people living in the house. Unless I am wrong most of the people living in this very over crowded house were here in America illegally. This may have contributed to the fact that they tried to fight the fire on their own and did not call the fire department sooner. Also the over crowding and excessive items in the home due to the many people living there may also have made the situation worse. Housing inspectors should not be restrained from doing their jobs dismantling situations like this where the house is busting at the seams with illegals living in tinder box situations. Now I hear that they may be looking at the heater manufacturer for possibly building a defective heater however they should be looking at the City of New York for not enforcing housing code violations and immigration policies.


--- Quote from: Joe Gutfeld on March 08, 2007, 07:11:47 PM ---Early this morning in the Bronx, 9 muslims 8 of them children, were killed in a fire. At least there are 9 less muslim nazis in the world. What do you think of this "tragedy"?

--- End quote ---
Yes, I have a question: why is the news media all over it?
Like flies over turd?

Joe Gutfeld:
cjd, they were here illeagally.  It's a disgrace.  If they were 9 white children who died in a fire instead of 9 muslims, the press wouldn't be all over it.

Whatevere the situation, whoever the people are, people dying in a fire can never be a good thing.


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