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Ask JTF for Sunday, January 4, 2009.
Dear Hayim,
I noticed that in Israel each party has a slip of paper with one two or three letters representing the party. And you vote by putting that slip of paper in an envelope.
I saw that the likud's letters are Mem, Heth, Lamedh. Which means forgiveness.
Do you think they have these letters to apologize for Yamit, the Sinai Accords, The Wye agreement and Gush Katif? Or is it to remind you to ask forgiveness from G-d if you vote for them?
Dear Chaim.
What do you think of the stock market crash in 2008? Now that it's 2009 what should JTF do for this year? Should JTF also have a video tab so that members can post there own videos for those who don't have a YouTube account? See my poll for more infomation. What will you do this year? I now did a remake of the old How To Download Ask JTF videos so now they sound and voices in the video exclusively on YouTube. PS: Is it ok if I post the Ask JTF Topic from time to time to give C.F (Chaim Fan) a break once in while?
Noar HaGvaot:
Jewish swindler-thief Bernard Madoff bankrupted the Elie "the Weasel" Foundation for "Subhumanity" of 15.1 million dollars and stole significant sums from Steven Spielberg, Mortimer Zuckerman, Eliot Spitzer and Jeffrey Katzenberg, yimach shmam vezichram. Is it possible that this was Hashem's plan, to strike back at these Hebraic vermin through Bernard Madoff in the only way that they care about- in their pocketbooks? Is Bernie Madoff a good guy? Did he perform a mitzvah?
Shalom rav Chaim,
Why did Barry Goldwater bid for presidency ended up as a huge defeat (He carried 6 states and won 38.5% of the votes)? Sympathy vote for the slain Kennedy is not a sufficient excuse in my opinion.
Hello Chaim I just heard in the last Ask JTF that your father taught public education the Italian language. My question is Besides speaking Hebrew and English do you speak any other language fluently? Thank and G-D bless
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