Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

What if I meet a Jewish girl?

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Fruit of thy loins:
A gentile man dating a Jewish woman (heaven forbid) - what can this be likened to?  Imagine a white girl, with polished nails, and long blonde hair, going out and dating a big thick-lipped, curly-haired coon.  Fine and dandy, yes?  She loves the sex - he is muscly, toned, bald, energetic, dances well, and gives it to her all night just like she wants it.  It excites her just to be seen out with him.  But deep down she still feels white - she wants all of the white (female) privileges.  She probably even would rather to marry a rich (VERY RICH) white man later on and have a nice little family of blondes, who in their turn can turn out to be money-grabbing, materialistic, selfish pieces of excrement.

Likewise a Jewish woman may sleep with a gentile but she still feels 'pathos' about being a different rank of creature to him.  Jewish men might have sex with some gentile women, but that doesn't mean they want a future with them.

It's just sex, the body needs sex.  Otherwise, mental illness creeps in in its place.   The great artists went mad because the thing their bodies craved most, sensuality, was denied to them - women didn't like their peculiar mannerisms.  They couldn't afford the great luxuries of life.

A gentile who converts has to cling onto his religion because it's the only thing that makes him Jewish.  So therefore whenever I hear these ultra-religious Jewish people speaking, and especially the ones who talk about conversion (which is about as tasteful to Jews as the subject of inter-racial sex is to white people), I think they must be converts themselves.  They betray themselves with their fanaticism!

Jewish Nationalist:

--- Quote ---Re: What if I meet a Jewish girl?
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Jews, like other white ethnic groups, are facing the prospect of extinction through mass intermarriage/low birth rate. If you believe in the the cultural and ancestral preservation of your own people, you should respect the same for Jews.


--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 11, 2007, 04:29:30 AM ---A gentile man dating a Jewish woman (heaven forbid) - what can this be likened to?  Imagine a white girl, with polished nails, and long blonde hair, going out and dating a big thick-lipped, curly-haired coon.  Fine and dandy, yes?  She loves the sex - he is muscly, toned, bald, energetic, dances well, and gives it to her all night just like she wants it.  It excites her just to be seen out with him.  But deep down she still feels white - she wants all of the white (female) privileges.  She probably even would rather to marry a rich (VERY RICH) white man later on and have a nice little family of blondes, who in their turn can turn out to be money-grabbing, materialistic, selfish pieces of excrement.

Likewise a Jewish woman may sleep with a gentile but she still feels 'pathos' about being a different rank of creature to him.  Jewish men might have sex with some gentile women, but that doesn't mean they want a future with them.

It's just sex, the body needs sex.  Otherwise, mental illness creeps in in its place.   The great artists went mad because the thing their bodies craved most, sensuality, was denied to them - women didn't like their peculiar mannerisms.  They couldn't afford the great luxuries of life.

A gentile who converts has to cling onto his religion because it's the only thing that makes him Jewish.  So therefore whenever I hear these ultra-religious Jewish people speaking, and especially the ones who talk about conversion (which is about as tasteful to Jews as the subject of inter-racial sex is to white people), I think they must be converts themselves.  They betray themselves with their fanaticism!

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This has got to be the most racially disgusting post I have read here. I grew up Conservative, I am an American/Israeli with dual citizenship. But I can tell you this...if two people are gentiles...no matter what race they are...and they marry and both have a love for Hashem. G-d will bless that marriage. It would not matter one iota to G-d if the man were thick lipped, well muscled and black skinned and the woman was slim, blonde, blue eyed and white. Their hearts are what would matter to G-d. Their hearts and that alone.

The same holds true for Jews. If an Ashkenazi met and married a black Jewish woman or vice versa...so what? They are men and women created in the likeness of G-d. If their hearts seek after Hashem who is any man, Jewish...Rabbi or not...to judge them?

Again this can also be said of women or men who convert to Judaism. Or do you forget that Moshe's wife was not a Hebrew? Or what of Joseph's wife? He married an Egyptian woman and had Ephraim and Manasseh who became two of the Israelite tribes! (And no where that I can remember does the Torah say that Joseph's wife converted to the religion of the Hebrews. Yet G-d did not condemn him.)

Or what of Ruth or left her people just so she could be with Boaz? Who, because of Boaz joined herself to the people of Israel from then on? (And Ruth became an ancestor of King David, and thus of the Moshiach.)

So again...who is any man to judge if G-d has blessed something?


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 26, 2007, 04:03:05 PM ---Joseph's wife was adopted by Egyptians. She was really the daughter of Dina from when she was raped by Shechem.

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What evidence is there to support this claim? Also...this still has no bearing on Moshe's wife or on the case of Ruth.


--- Quote ---She probably even would rather to marry a rich (VERY RICH) white man later on and have a nice little family of blondes, who in their turn can turn out to be money-grabbing, materialistic, selfish pieces of excrement.
--- End quote ---

kinda of anti-white there?


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