Save Western Civilization > Save America

Feminism: underrated

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The malignant issue of 'feminism' is underrated on this forum, and I'm not talking about bull-dykes in battle fatigues.  Our society has become overrun with feminized ideas...seatbelts, helmets, gun laws, tolerance, civil rights, political correctness, diplomacy, etc.  Women tend to be compassionate, which is of course wonderful.  A problem arises however when compassion becomes perverted. 

Any man who is married or has a girlfriend knows the TREMENDOUS power that women hold...not only in terms of their physical beauty, but also because of their cunning and intelligence.  I believe wholeheartedly that women make decisions in times of peace as do men in times of war.  After WWII, we in the West enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity...and with it came Marxist Lucifer Coon, Malcom eXcrement, civil rights, abortion (first world-suicide), etc. 

Until our lives are TRULY threatened here in the West, feminized ideals will continue to reign.  The correction is coming soon however.

I do not hate women, quite the contrary.  I just prefer not to be assaulted and sexually harassed by scantily-clad, gorgeous females all day long when I am out in public.  They use their beauty as a weapon.

As far as I know, men cannot bare children.  Isn't there something that women cannot do?

In my opinion, you are cmpletely right. God did not make women to rule everything. I'm not trying to say that men are better than women, I just think that God intended them to have slightly different roles. Feminisation can be seen everywhere these days, and it is a serious threat. But, at the moment there's nothing I can do about it...

um ... whats threatening about femenisation?

As a spiritually blind follower of Islam, it's impossible to explain to you, I tried once... I think your reaction was to call me a terrorist...

1. i dont remember. telll me again.
2. as you said earlier, "only god has judgement." (which is why you judged me as "wrong" and "spiritually blind" without any compelling evidence ...)


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