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Offline Cyberella

  • Master JTFer
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Case of Berg vs. Obama, U.S.S.C. Case No. 08-570, in the U.S. Supreme Court has been scheduled for two [2] Conferences [January 9th and 16th, 2009].

The Justices of the Supreme Court will read letters sent to them. Let them know how important it is for them to hear our case; how “standing” is important on the issue of Obama’s qualifications; how we are headed for a “Constitutional crisis” if Obama’s qualifications are not resolved; how important it is to follow “our Constitution;” and how Obama’s records: his original ‘vault’ birth certificate, immigration records when he as Barry Soetoro [adopted in Indonesia] returned to Hawaii in 1971, if any, and any change of name Court records are necessary as Obama might be an illegal alien, not only not qualified to be President, but a fraud as U.S. Senator from Illinois.

Write one [1] letter to the nine Justices of the United States Supreme Court (names are listed below), make nine [9] copies and put them in nine [9] separate envelopes, addressed to each Justice, and then place them into one [1] manila envelope and mail to:

U.S. Supreme Court
1 First Street, N.E
Washington, D.C. 20543

Supreme Court Justices

Chief Justice John Roberts

Associate Justices:

Samuel A. Alito
Clarence Thomas
Antonin Scalia
Anthony M. Kennedy
David H. Souter
John Paul Stevens
Stephen G. Breyer
Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Note: Any communications received by the U.S. Supreme Court via e-mail or fax are thrown away. The U.S. Supreme Court will not take telephone messages for the Justices. All communications to the U.S. Supreme Court must be done in writing and sent to them by way of U.S. mail, UPS, Federal Express, etc.


See for instructions.

Supreme Court Justice
United States Supreme Court
1 First Street NE Washington DC 20543
November 14, 2008

Your Honor:

Our Forefather’s in their wisdom established our government in three parts to check and balance each other. They specifically stated the requirements for the office of the president. You have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Unfortunately they did not establish who would vet each candidate to determine eligibility.

Nor did they establish “standing” if such a case were ever to be presented.. Standing , a arbitrary term established for the smooth working of the judiciary system, is not a condition established by the Constitution

Currently there are two different cases waiting your review: 08A407 and 08-4340. There are at least seventeen more in the lower courts hoping to establish verification or establish who is responsible to qualify/disqualify candidates for the office of President. “We The People” are about to be in crisis if you chose to ignore these cases. We the People all have standing.

...personal comments....

The SCOTUS must put this crisis to rest. I am begging you , The Supreme Court of the United States MUST hear all the evidence presented in the case(s). and establish that a precedence for establishing qualification is achieved. A “rule of Law” one way or the other must be decided. The Constitution must remain intact, only qualified persons shall hold the office of the Presidency.

