Race Nationalism attracts idiots... no question about that... but True nationalism attracts intelligence. Just like Geert Wilder of the Dutch Peoples Party. He is a TRUE nationalist... and is very intelligent. He is as pro-Israel as they come... in spite of the fact that he is an atheist.
The BNP is not about race nationalism..its about true nationalism... protecting national identity through language, Borders, and culture.. but yes... it is obviously going to attract more white racists than other parties since there is overlap between the two ideologies.
Just like in America... The Conservative GOP is NOT about race... but it is more likely to attract white racists and turn off black racists.... simply because there IS overlap in their ideology.
HOWEVER.... one can talk about native peoples and native people rights without being a race nationalist. Just like with America... we can talk about Native Americans.... and even if they become wealthy... or even if they became the majority... we can still talk them as a something to be proud of and celebrate....and this can be done with people of Jewish heritage as well. But as soon as you bring that into policy... such as 'race based affirmative action'... or 'race exlusion' then you have crossed the line.
But if the BNP returns to Race Nationalism..then I want no part of it... and they will remain on the lunatic fringe... where they belong.
here is the former head of the BNP(expelled for racism) arguing a case that they have to defend their race and their culture, both, since one is no good without the other.
it's only this part, part 4, where he mentions it
he talks of defending the european race, "the breed".. "the stuff", that came up with Shakespeare, Galileo,...
I can't say there is no logic to what he is saying..
Different races or groups do have different talents/qualities.
If they really do have a culture they are trying to defend, and they are struggling to preserve it, then it's not suprising that many would say that they don't want to breed with other races, that if they don't preserve their kind they have no chance. Because it will be even more difficult. I do suspect that the only reason they worry that they need to preserve race, is because the culture they are promoting is not strong enough, or non-existant beyond flags. The only culture he stated was the intelligence that produced Galileo and Newton and Shakespeare et.c. ! (and if they lived in our society, they probably wouldn't be BNP, and he wouldn't praise them as examples). They are just people with a very great talent that made use of it and succeeded.
I don't think you can maginalise the racial nationalists as idiots, and the cultural nationalists as "true nationalists".
the fact is that if your culture is beer and newton, and somebody from another country, has a very different culture, a culture of bruce lee and rice, then it's a threat. Chinese and japanese have lots of great aspects in their culture.
The important thing is to defend against evil cultures..
(and even then, race is of some relevance, And of course you have the problem of say, looking at black african countries that have the worst culture and intelligence.. )
one could even criticise the jewish "race", in the left wing aspect, embracing anything.. And really, you can get to this racial nationalism. And in a desperate situation like an economic depression, people could take it to the extreme. There is always this logical foundation even to racial nationalism , perhaps it's illogical because defending a culture so strongly is illogical. A culture is not a divine truth, and it's not inherently superior in all ways to any other culture. And cultures aren't so easily preserved if you have immigration.
If lack of english culture is the problem then the extreme case is restrict things to just english people, those that are not "pure breeds" get moved or killed.
If the holocaust hadn't happened already, then it would have happened later anyway. It may even be an inevitable end to this ideology taken too seriously. And what good is an ideology if it is dangerous and bad to take it too seriously.
I think if that cultural nationalism is the ideology, then when a situation worsens and preserving culture is the solution and it is desperate , then people will go the extra mile and preserve their race to help preserve the culture.
It just naturally goes to racism. Tyndall essentially says racism is not a bad thing. Maybe some would call that racialism. But it's what comes of that ideology if taking it more seriously.
Now, that can work if other groups accept the same rules. Other groups live -under- the race-culture that is as tyndall said "championed". But if some of a group do assimilate and "step out of line", then I would think that as in the holocaust, all jews would suffer. Even if it does "work", (it would have to be accepted by all), it's still a racist system. And you are against that. But it looks to me that that is where this nationalism leads.