oh really? compared to the energy they put into protesting US beef imports, Israel, etc?
and if there are protests, the international media does not give any coverage to the alleged protests against the North.
I maintain that SK prefers to ignore the NK problem. Plus they do not want the influx of poor starving North Korean refugees à la East Germany.
The status quo works well for the south.
Meanwhile they have the time, energy (from the kimchee, garlic and dogmeat) and stupidity to protest Israel's actions in Gaza.
I'm sure most people have heard that Koreans eat dog. However, few probably aware of the manner in which these dogs are killed. When the dog struggles, as in when it is beaten and clubbed to death, adrenaline in the dog's blood increases and when its meat is eaten by koreans, it is said to increase (sexual) energy.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_meat: "Sometimes the dogs killed for consumption are first tortured, in order to increase the "fight" or adrenaline in the meat. A dog that dies painfully is believed to have softer meat, and impart the energy of its death to the consumer. Methods of inflicting painful death include slow hanging and beating." [48][49][50][51]
# ^ BBC News Dogs blow-torched alive
# ^ Korean Animal Protection Society Video of Dog Markets and Dog slaughter from SBS News Seven
# ^ International Aid for Korean Animals Video Clips
# ^ In Defense of Animals, video from Animal Freedom Korea. Undercover Video
In Korea, dog meat is called “poshintang” and yes, people eat it. It literally means “invigorating soup”.
Poshintang is especially popular among old men, who believe such meat will boost their virility. They particularly dig (ha!ha!) it when the dog has been hung – because it is apparently tastier, but more importantly, packed with hormones. See, if the dog struggles for his life, the meat will be filled with testosterone. And that’s just as good as Viagra!

as quoted by http://fubarmedia.wordpress.com/2008/12/13/korea-lets-disabled-childs-incest-rapists-free/ which is an article on a judge in korea letting free the male relative rapists of a disabled child so that they can continue to give her "care."