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Great article by GEERT Wilders and Martin Bosma
« on: January 07, 2009, 11:40:03 AM »   

uesday, January 06, 2009
Land for Peace Doesn’t Work

by Baron Bodissey

Below is a magnificent op-ed from De Volkskrant, written by Geert Wilders and Martin Bosma, who are both PVV members of the Dutch Parliament. The translation is by our indefatigable Flemish correspondent VH:

    Land for peace doesn’t work
    by Geert Wilders and Martin Bosma

    It is one of the central doctrines of the Leftists’ church: “land for peace.”

    That was supposed to put an end to the conflict in the Middle East. These days we encounter the definite end of that dream. The Israeli army last Sunday returned to Netzarim. Three years ago, Netzarim and other so-called ‘settlements’ were abandoned as a part of the framework of disengagement. This withdrawal should have then led to peace. But 5,000 arguments for a different reality rained down in the form of Kassam rockets on the residents of the Negev.

    “Land for Peace” is a medicine based on the wrong diagnosis. The war against Israel is not a territorial conflict and thus can not be solved with territorial concessions. Giving away an area does not help. Hamas cum suis are not fighting for pieces of land but for the total final victory of Islam, to which the rapid destruction of Israel is only a transitional stage. The conflict is jihad, the violent duty of every Muslim. Israel is located on the fault line of the dar-al-Islam and dar-al-Harb. To Islam, all of Israel is occupied territory and Tel Aviv is as much a “settlement” as was Netzarim. The Hamas charter doesn’t know the word ‘polder model’.


    The withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 was a huge encouragement to aggressive Islam. What the West convulsively tried to view as a step towards peace is translated by true Muslims as a sign of weakness. The 5,000 rockets from Gaza were therefore the logical consequence of an ideology that seeks to destroy the West. Samuel Huntington, who ironically enough died in the week before the first bombing of Hamas, already wrote it: “Islam has bloody borders”. You can move those bloody borders of Islam, but with that you only shift the jihad. What does it show? “Settlements” are no barrier to peace, but a barrier against terror.

    Muslims view the conflict as an Islam-related conflict. It is not without reason that during pro-Hamas demonstrations over the whole world “Allahu akhbar” is prominently chanted. Saturday this was illustrated when Muslim colonizers demonstrated in Amsterdam, together with the extreme Left. The SP (Harry van Bommel), the Olive Trees Campaign/ICCO (from Doekle Terpstra), and the inevitable Gretta Duisenberg showed how much the Left in the Netherlands has merged with Islam and hatred of Israel.

    My colleague Van Bommel showed without the slightest embarrassment his true extreme face by publicly and loudly calling for another intifada against Israel. The Left demonstrates with flags of Hamas and Hezbollah, along with portraits of Khomeini and the Hezbollah leader Nasrallah.

    The fight against Israel is a fight against Europe and the Netherlands

    Seventy years after Auschwitz, in the streets of Amsterdam, partly at the expense of the taxpayer, sounds the cry “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas.” This is what Doekle the Dhimmi [Doekle Terpstra, Christian Democrat] apparently means with his “benoemen en bouwen” [“naming and building”]. Would he view the Jew Haters of Saturday as moderate Muslims?

- - - - - - - - -

    Therefore, never give away any more land to the Arabs. But what then? To begin with, there is already a Palestinian state, and that is Jordan. This land covers nearly eighty percent of the historic Palestine. Most residents of Jordan are Palestinians, for instance queen Rania. Those who are looking for a territorial solution have thus found it. An eventual second Palestinian state is no improvement, but rather an encouragement for more jihad and thus more bloodshed. Judea and Samaria, the heart of Israel, must therefore remain in the hands of Israel whatever the cost, with Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the Jewish state.


    The war against Israel is permanent because it is jihad. However, the conflict can be made manageable and the Netherlands can play a role in this. To begin with, deterrence should again be the cornerstone of the Israeli security policy. That used to be so until Israel in 1992 surrendered to the Oslo wishing dream. The Netherlands must help to press forward the notion that Israel is fighting for the West and therefore must not give in to the Arabs. Not an inch. If Israel falls, Europe is next. Israel is our first defensive frontline. The fight against Israel is a fight against Europe and the Netherlands.

    The billions that the EU and the UN in past years dumped down the endless drain in Gaza must be reversed. The Palestinians have done nothing positive with the money, apart from making it serve the madly popular Hamas terror. It would be good to invest that money in masterful Israeli science and high-tech. The tiny state of Israel has grown to become a global center where the brightest minds in the world are creating inventions on a daily basis that have been a blessing for all mankind. Such a change will provide a boost to the Israeli economy. This success shows the whole world that Israel is not of transitory nature, but a persistent source of progress.

    Would it not be great if the money that now goes to the terrorist infrastructure of Hamas, might be used by, for example, the Weizman Institute in Rechovot to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease or multiple sclerosis? International aid money, not for death and destruction but for a future to our sick and elderly. A more beautiful beginning of the new year is cannot be imagined.

    And to the Israeli army: kol hakawod, all success! You fight for us too.

    Geert Wilders and Martin Bosma are respectively fraction leader and member of the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Parliament of The Netherlands and recently visited Israel.

VH adds this material on Doekle Terpstra, translated from Het Vrije Volk:  more with link above
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Great article by GEERT Wilders and Martin Bosma
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2009, 02:18:00 PM »
Reading this article warms my heart. I am immensely impress that there are still courageous speakers like this in European parliaments.

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Re: Great article by GEERT Wilders and Martin Bosma
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2009, 04:00:01 AM »
Geert Wilders is a true hero.

Not all Europeans are scum, this is a great blog by a man who was part of the Northern Ireland parliament, he is more pro-Israel than many Jews:

Offline mord

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Re: Great article by GEERT Wilders and Martin Bosma
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2009, 06:56:12 AM »
Geert Wilders is a true hero.

Not all Europeans are scum, this is a great blog by a man who was part of the Northern Ireland parliament, he is more pro-Israel than many Jews:

Unionists are o.k. it's republicans not U.S. republicans that hate Israel
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03