Author Topic: Amusing interview with Hamas guy on HARDTALK  (Read 702 times)

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Amusing interview with Hamas guy on HARDTALK
« on: January 09, 2009, 12:16:33 AM »
hilarious interview with hamas guy

just saw on hardtalk..

interviewer v asks him

v: the international community condemns you for your attacks on civilians
hamas: why don't I hear them condemning israel for their attacks on our civilians

v: why don't you accept an international force in gaza to stop weapons coming in?
hamas: you want to stop our weapons coming in, why don't you stop the weapons coming into israel

v: when are you going to stop firing rockets?
hamas: you want to talk rockets - what about the missiles that israel is firing at us.. we are hardly firing anything

v: a hamas spokesman said "we have drioven the israelis into the ground like rats"
hamas: [smiles hearing that success].   And replies, what about Rabbi Ovadia Yosef who tells the israeli army to do what they want

v: What is your strategy, you fire missiles into israel, you know israel will respond and responds and 700 palestinian civilians are killed.. while you hide safely in your bunkers.  It's a silly strategy
hamas: they will not crush palestinian resistance.. palestinians will resist the occupation more strongly.

v: you said that you want to remove the occupation , remove israel completely.. that you'll defeat israel like lebanon defeated israel in 2006. That rhetoric is nonsense, you are not as strong or well organized as hezbollah was in lebanon.
hamas: you want to talk about silly nonsense, the occupation is silly nonsense. Israel started this war.

v: you're not answering the questions. I ask tough rigorous questions to israel.. but i'm interviewing you here.
you can say israel is responsible, israel will say you are responsible, it won't get anywhere.

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: Amusing interview with Hamas guy on HARDTALK
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2009, 12:40:42 AM »
This is a typical interview with a muslim.  They don't want to answer these questions.  All they know how to do is shift the blame.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Amusing interview with Hamas guy on HARDTALK
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2009, 01:51:22 AM »
This is a typical interview with a muslim.  They don't want to answer these questions.  All they know how to do is shift the blame.

actually he is answering them..but in a funny way

what is very muslim, besides commitment to destruction of israel, is the fact that he is like a robot.

He is saying he doesn't care about these accusations. Yeah he'll break human rights. He just neutralizes/rubbishes the charge by telling the person making it to apply it equally.  So if he is just as to blame as israel is then so what.they can punish both equally if they want to be just!

Kahane gave similar answers sometimes..  though he was more blunt and witty and creative, an orator, historian, lawyer, scholar e.t.c. .!

The bible has genocide in the form of G-d says kill this nation for this reason, or, for this is what they did to you.  The Quran is just kill disbelievers.  Obviously the quran is not about morality.
The bible is about obeying G-d rather than morality.
Kahane never really argued from a stand-point of universal morality, perhaps because the bible doesn't fit with it. Infact Kahane said it in a very blunt way in an argument with dershowitz, when dershowitz was saying it was his bible. Kahane asked him what he made of certain incidents - killing amalek.  Joshua conquering israel.  He said, killing amalek wasn't moral.    Dershowitz couldn't handle it. Years later dershowiz talked of editting out the violent bits of the bible.

In america, blacks have their organizations to fight for blacks. So as kahane said, in the same manner, jews have theirs to fight for jews.   . kahane played to win.

He didn't care about  what the world thought.  And he didn't try to argue how moral he was / how restrained israel is.

So he made these kind of "you too" arguments(he did so in a correct way). But if somebody had told him that 2 wrongs don't make a right. He'd probably have said that it's not 2 wrongs.
In one of his books, he explained the situation from the arab perspective. The Israeli govt says to the arabs "we took the land and made it into a garden". The arab says "it is our land, and now it's your garden".  The arab is wrong, it is our land and our garden,(see Genesis) but the arab believes it's his.

kahane did say he was a moderate though.. I can see his arguments working from a universalistic perspective..
In his debate with pete mccloskey, I think he said that he would have accepted the 67 bordres had the arabs not gone to war. And he even would have accepted the 48 borders had the arabs not gone to war.  So I suppose that for him it's a question of survival. And thne you have a universalistic argument. Since, as the saying goes.   
If Israel were to put down her weapons, she'd be destroyed.
If the arabs were to put down their weapons, they'd be peace.

And Kahane's argument  for transfer, was that they'd become the majourity and israel would not survive as a jewish state.  For what is a jewish state without a majourity of jews.
(certianly as a western democracy where everybody votes, it couldn't have a majourity of arabs and survive).

I guess kahane did have universalistic ideals, -but- not at the cost of jewish lives.. not at the cost of judaism(so, no disobeying halacha, and not looking weak and thus causing a biblical chillul hashem). Univeralism didn't come first.
of course, costing jewish lives is against judaism..  It's clear from his book "why be jewish" that he felt if there is no torah then universalism makes sense - why not intermarry, eat what you like, follow the best ethics of other religions since why should jewish ethics be better than other ethics. e.t.c.

So, since there isn't really a palestinian people. They are just arabs . They could just stop fighting.. it's not about survival for them.

Therefore, it is possible to argue with that Hamas guy without just saying "well there is no argument". Or, without playing some kind of blame game(which the arabs like to do).

It would have been good to see Netanyahu go against that Hamas guy.

Offline Xoce

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Re: Amusing interview with Hamas guy on HARDTALK
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2009, 01:56:49 AM »
aka Someone Else