President Barack Hussein Obama is dishonest and has an ulterior motive and agenda. He is a Muslim amd has been aligned with Muslum terrorist groups. He is also a Communist/Socialist. He is trying to control health care reform and the banks - then what next? That comes under the heading of "dictationship" as well. He is prejudiced and is anti-Semitic, anti-white and anti-anything that is not radically black, etc.
In answer to your question, no, President Barack Hussein Obama is not loyal to America; he is a traitor.
Although I know of some very, very nice black people who are not prejudiced against whites and are pro-Israel, President Barack Hussein Obama is not one of them. I am glad we have come so far in this day and ago to have a black President, but he is the wrong one. Why not Condoleeza Rice?
He has only been in office one year and only in office six months, he wants to force health care reform on the American public. What are the most vulnerable people, i.e., the elderly, going to do without Medicare? Why is President Obama getting the government involved in our personal lives as Communist/Socialist countries do? Socialize the banks, socialize medicine, etc., what happened to this Country? What happened to Democracy? My father risked his life as a Mariine in WWII and was overseas for five years. He was always proud to be a Marine and he went through hell to fight for the freedom we have in this Country. Thank G-d he is not around to see this. Look at all the soldiers who died for our Country so we can have freedom and Democracy. What are we handing down to our children and their children?
Even, for the sake of saying it, President Obama got impeached, would Joe Boden be any better?
Thank you for letting me express myself at JTF.ORG.