Pheasant - "I think that the kosher foods taste in a natural way good without a lot of preparing. "
Usually people say the opposite. Even Rabbi Mizrachi says that non-kosher tastes better- BUT becuase the juices including urine are still in the animal while when it is kosher Jews must take out the liquids with salt- so the blood and the urine are taken out of the body of the animal and the food has less of these juices.
Yes it could be, that the preparation takes some taste from the meat. But on the other hand it will become better salted.
I for my part have never eaten kosher prepared food.
I usually wash the meat before I prepare it and of course I do salt on it.
But the Jewish way is more complex. So it could be that there is taken some taste from it.
But ask our members what they are prefer:
Lamb meat from the leg and steak from the beef or pork roast and rabbit.
I am shure the vast majority of people would vote for the first.
![rotflmao! :::D](
Perhaps R. Mizrachi used here only an allegory with the sense what would be if.