The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Great analysis: Islam created by satan

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Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: sarah.... on March 14, 2007, 06:42:19 PM ---He looks very shifty and keeps looking to the sides of the camera. As if Osama bin Laden is going to pop out of no where and shoot his brains out. The muslims have created fear in these peoples hearts so even opposing one of their views is considered an act of bravery by some and evil by the weak people.

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He is a grumpy, sexless, schizotypal Englishman.  The culture produces many such men.  In summer he will probably be inside reading his Bible while all the young people are running about having the time of their lives, sweating, crying, laughing, clubbing, showing off their bodies, having sex, drinking, and partying - and he thinks he's special because he thinks he knows G-d.  But the sad truth is that he doesn't even have that much to say in his favour.  :(

That one you posted fruit, was funny, the dude needs medical attention. You are right, the other guy talks as if he knows GOD but doesn't express it very well, however we cannot judge him if we don't know him.

I don't understand why you think, clubbing, having sex, drinking and partying can equal the time of your lives. They bring out the worst in people and frankly.....frankly im too tired and g2g, bye.

New Yorker:
The guy that made the video in the title post of this thread, if you go through the comments, you'll read from the guy that made this video, that he's a Jew that converted to Christianity.

That's very tragic.

Notice how converts to religions are such zealots? To bad he didn't embrace his own religion that way.

His points are good, yup, typical Jewish trait of analyzing the text, and arguing point for point.

Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: NewYorker on March 14, 2007, 06:56:32 PM ---The guy that made the video in the title post of this thread, if you go through the comments, you'll read from the guy that made this video, that he's a Jew that converted to Christianity.

That's very tragic.

Notice how converts to religions are such zealots? To bad he didn't embrace his own religion that way.

His points are good, yup, typical Jewish trait of analyzing the text, and arguing point for point.

--- End quote ---

There are no inherent Jewish traits, only Jewish traits that are inculcated by the Jewish traditions and cultures.  This is something Chaim says on the latest (or last week's) Ask JTF and it's absolutely true.  Tragically this convert's grandchildren will be goyish morons just like the rest of us.

Fruit of thy loins:

'Muhammad would obsessively wash his private parts  - his wives claimed he had the sexual strength of thirty men'   :o


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