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Ask German Kahanist

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Yes, the grafitti in Berlin is terrible. Gangs spray everywhere their symbols. The subway (U-Bahn) is also full of grafitti. But Germany is a very beautiful country.

Here some nice pics from Germany

Brandenburger Tor in Berlin

Schloss Neuschwanstein (Castle Neuschwanstein)


Reichstag in Berlin

Gedächtniskirche (Church)


Köln (Cologne)


Zugspitze Bayern (Bavaria)

Yes i think i would like to visit sylt

Is  Schloss Neuschwanstein  Von Munchhausen's Castle  :) :laugh: i would like to visit that too.Frankfurt looks too modern

Sylt is really nice. But Berling is also nice. It's modern and historical. I was in Berlin 2004. It was great. I just can say: Come to Berlin!
Frankfurt is really very modern with a lot of skyscrapers.


--- Quote from: George W. Bush the hero on January 28, 2009, 08:35:02 AM ---Sylt is really nice. But Berling is also nice. It's modern and historical. I was in Berlin 2004. It was great. I just can say: Come to Berlin!
Frankfurt is really very modern with a lot of skyscrapers.

--- End quote ---
Do you like Stuttgart because i was there once it was nice

I have never been to Stuttgart. But I am sure it's a nice city. Porsche is from Stuttgart.


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