I heard the new President say in his inaugural speech, We are a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Hindus. We have always been founded on a Judeo-Christian society, (why should that change?) Other religions are practiced here, but our biblical standards should not change to suit the administration or the muslims.
I would like to believe he might be hinting to muslims as well. I am a President to all the people. There is no room for hatred, or anti-semitism toward anyone, and I will not allow Muslims to attack the Jewish people. Thus we are a nation of all religions, live in peace and stop the hatred toward one another.
Maybe I am dreaming, but I believe God is in control. Could this man have been elected to try and stop racism, or anti-semetism. If America can elect the first black President then Islam can get over its hatred and anti-semetism toward Jewish people, and the West. I saw that Obama believes in marriage between a man and a woman, but believes in abortion.
God would disagree with this very strongly. The Pope has been trying to speak to Obama about abortion, and issues that are of grave concern to him. I know the pope has a secret war going against Radial Islam, maybe he can have an influence over the new President. I am hoping for wisdom and the possibilitiy that we could be wrong about the new President, for the sake of America and Israel.
We will find out in the months to come.