Author Topic: A Leftist Yidon Group tries tricks the clique is called J street they post lies  (Read 621 times)

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A lot more about this groups tricks with links above

Here, I think it’s worth noting again the discrepancy in approach between J Street’s first statement on Gaza and the second one that disappeared. It’s also worth noting that Ben-Ami’s response to Yoffie elided the substance of the rabbi’s critique of the second statement’s language. Rather than defend the language of the second statement, Ben-Ami asserted that Yoffie was attacking J Street for “questioning the wisdom of the Gaza assault.” And, in contrast to the second statement, Ben-Ami went to the trouble of mentioning in his response that “J Street understands that Hamas is a terrorist organization and a harsh enemy.” Finally, it’s telling that the type of moral critique that J Street leveled in its vanished second statement was essentially absent from its subsequent statements on the Gaza crisis.

J Street may not have issued a mea culpa for the language of its second statement. But its disappearance leaves one to wonder whether, in hindsight, J Street had some regrets. It wouldn’t be the first time that J Street has, intentionally or not, made an inconvenient fact disappear online.

More on these sneaky clowns      

Given that there is no shortage of material to work with, it’s particularly strange that J Street would throw in a sound bite that seems to be the product of incredibly misleading editing.

At exactly 37 seconds into the following J Street video, you can hear Hagee say: “Islam is a doctrine of death.”

The problem is that this snippet omits a single — and quite significant — word. In a 2006 sermon at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va., Hagee said that “Radical Islam is a doctrine of death.” (Emphasis is mine.)    You must read the article to understand how these anti Israel Jewboy groups with soros puppets are liars and hucksters
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 04:18:26 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03