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New JTF Member!
Hello everyone at the JTF Forums, I am going to start off by saying I am very grateful to be here and hope to have some intelligent entertaining conversations with you all.
About myself.
o I am 26 years old, I am a non-Jew /Heathen, male. I come here to JFT with the goal to learn and socialize.
o I hope to both answer any questions that I can answer, maybe even get a few of mine answered.
o I am always willing to answer a question, if I ever come across on a "wrong" manner, first ask then judge please. *Smiles*
I mean no harm to anyone, and I only nibble those I love.
The Thread Is Not a Lie! *smiles*
Well my first question to the masses is recently I [had] in my possession a copy of the Torah(English), I read as much as I could of it in the short time I had it in my possession. Well after having read it I was left blank with confusion, some of the things that confused me was
a) Is it true the Torah is the first ~5 books of the "Christian" Bible?
b) Almost if not all of the name were different and even some of the actual books themselves were almost 100% different then the Bible, why?
Why Can't I Have My Thread and Write It Too? *wink*
a) I have recently come across the term "Goyem / Goy". In fact I came to know it by being called it, I have done some Yiddish studies, what I found was "Hebrew: Nation" "Yiddish: Non-Jew" I am wondering 'why' would I be called that and if I should be offended?
b) About a month or so ago I was pushed by a friend to visit a Synagogue to get a 'real in depth' idea of how Jews commune, now I am interested in doing that, but I do not want to go about offending anyone by doing/saying anything that should not be done/said. Any suggestions would be amazing?
(now to explain this one I have been studying as many world cultures as I can, it is I suppose a personal project of mine. I do it to further my knowledge of the world I live in and those that I share it with)
c) I recently tried eating Kosher, avoiding "all Traif food" that I could even think of, I seemed to feel not only healthier, but all around just better. So I studied a bit about (My sources were limited) it and it seemed to me that Kosher was less spiritual and more just a method of "Better living and eating healthier" The things deemed Traif seemed to be well, not really all that good for you. So my question is, "Is Kosher a dietary practice, a spiritual method, both of them, or something I have not mentioned?
(I ate Kosher to understand the level of devotion it takes to being Jewish, you can't understand ones ways if you don't experience them on a personal level.)
Well that is it for now, I do hope to hear some answers and maybe get a juicy and enlightening forum thread going. Well I shall go now and await your posts.
PS: I'll be taking some of that Manischewitz, a Knishes or two and maybe a bowl of that Tzimmes! :dance:
Welcome to JTF. I'll answer your questions in more detail later. But goy is not a bad word. It just means non Jew, or a member of other nations. Don't feel offended.
Kosher laws are mainly for spiritual purposes. I'll write you more about this later.
You sound like a real piece of work!!
Welcome. "Goy" usually means a gentile in Yiddish, but it just means "nation" in Hebrew.
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