Author Topic: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'  (Read 1190 times)

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During the U.S presidential campaign, Barack Obama’s handlers vigourously pointed out his Christian faith whenever the misconception arose he may be Muslim (even though the politically correct response should have been his religion doesn’t matter).

The handlers also roundly denounced any conservative commentator who might mention (mischievously, admittedly) his Arabic middle name, Hussein.

They charged that such usage was "fear mongering."

Once elected, however, he personally insisted on his middle name being spoken at his swearing-in ceremony.

And now – in a gesture to the Muslim world – he has not only granted the first sit-down interview of his presidency to a pan-Arab television network, but uses the occasion to gush about his Muslim ties.

"I have Muslim members of my family. I have lived in Muslim countries," Obama tells Hisham Melhem, the Washington bureau chief of Saudi-owned Al Arabiya, which is based in Dubai.

Indeed, Obama’s Kenyan father, Barack Sr., was born into a Muslim family – though he became an atheist before arriving in Hawaii, where Obama Jr. was later born.

Obama also famously spent four years as a boy in Indonesia – the world’s most populous Muslim country.

All that’s fine, except why was no one allowed to talk much about it before he snagged the Electoral College majority?

Obama’s unprecedented decision to shun American domestic networks over his first sit-down appeared aimed at sending a signal to the Muslim world that his administration marks a distinct break with that of George W. Bush.

Like we didn’t get that message from his pledge to close the detention camps at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay naval base in Cuba without so much as a plan for where he’ll transfer its terror suspects.

But much of the interview, broadcast Tuesday, offered troubling stuff for anyone who believes the West isn’t to blame for the Islamic world’s wrath.

Obama agreed with Melhem’s inference that Bush’s use of terms like "war on terror" and "Islamic fascism" demonized all Muslims.

"I think you’re making a very important point, and that is the language we use matters …" Obama said.

"We cannot paint with a broad brush a faith as a consequence of the violence that is done in that faith’s name."

True. But there was nothing particularly Bushist about the "war on terror" term, and a helpful Wikipedia entry explains how it dates at least to the 19th century.

Obama confirmed he intends to address the Muslim world from a Muslim capital during the first 100 days of his presidency, but resisted Melhem’s bid to know which one.

Of course, the smart money is on the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, while you can pretty much rule out Baghdad.

"You're going to see me following through with dealing with a drawdown of troops in Iraq, so that Iraqis can start taking more responsibility," he said.

Obama explained he is going to educate people in both the United States and the Muslim world on how to get along.

"My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives," he said.

"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy."

So that’s the simple formula we’ve been we’ve been missing. Stay tuned to the new president for a couple of deftly worded, and theatrically delivered speeches – and centuries of Western-Islamic division will miraculously disappear.

Citing Iran’s threats towards Israel, and its "pursuit of a nuclear weapon," Obama said the Islamic republic had "acted in ways that [were] not conducive to peace and prosperity."

"But I do think it is important for us to be willing to talk to Iran," he added.

Better hurry. Iran will have enough uranium to make a single nuclear weapon later this year, the prestigious International Institute for Strategic Studies said Tuesday at the launch of its annual global review of military powers.

The fact is there have been plenty of talks, incentive packages and UN Security Council resolutions calling on Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions.

After the interview was broadcast Tuesday, Iran responded to the "extended hand" Obama said he was offering the Islamic republic.

"We are awaiting concrete changes from new U.S. statesmen," said an Iranian government spokesman. "On several occasions our president has defined Iran’s views and the need for a change in U.S. policies."

Even by Obama’s account, there will be no effective "change in U.S. policies." Washington and the West will still want to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. Hence, don’t expect Tehran to see the offer of "more diplomacy" to be anything more than a gift of the time they still need to perfect the nuclear process.

Key parts of Obama’s interview to the Muslim world were a collective mea culpa.

"We sometimes make mistakes; we have not been perfect," he said as one explanation as to why there is so much hate in the Muslim world for the United States.

In other words, it’s America’s and, by extension, the West’s fault we’ve been under attack these past years.

He offered a similar apology when explaining his instruction to George Mitchell, the former Senator he appointed to begin seeking a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

"What I told him is start by listening, because all too often the United States starts by dictating …" he said. "So let’s listen."

Oddly, the interviewer Melhem came across as the most honest of the pair when he admitted that, throughout the Muslim world, there was a "demonization of America" that’s become "like a new religion" – complete with "converts and high priests."

That’s the sort of reality Obama needs to get his head around – instead of saying the equivalent of: "We’re wrong, you’re right."

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2009, 09:57:20 PM »
JTFers weren't duped.

Once again, we were right from the start!

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2009, 10:30:13 PM »
JTFers weren't duped.

Once again, we were right from the start!

 I was NOT DUPED- his name, AGAIN:   Barack HUSSEIN Obama    NUF SED.
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Offline briann

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2009, 10:45:32 PM »
But I do think it is important for us to be willing to talk to Iran," Obama added.

I wonder how long it will take him to sit down and chat with Ahmadinejad.  And he can brag to him about his Muslim upbringing!!

Offline Xoce

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2009, 12:40:02 AM »
JTFers weren't duped.

Once again, we were right from the start!

aka Someone Else

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2009, 12:46:48 AM »
I wonder when the law gets passed saying we women have to wear burkas?
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Offline Menachem

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2009, 12:57:14 AM »
Wow. This is truly incredible stuff.

I hope all you Jews who voted for B. Hussein Obama are happy.

Offline Sentinel For Truth

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2009, 03:38:54 AM »
I remember a few months ago telling a co-worker that the Obongoid was muslim and he replied that he couldn't be because he went to a church.  I said, "That's not a church, THAT'S A CULT!" and proceeded to tell him of Obongo's muslim roots.  I laid it all out JTF style, he was speechless.  Now everyone can see AMERICA WAS DUPED BY A CANDIDATE THAT LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING.  He was never properly vetted, if he was there would be no way he could be a candidate much less actually elected.  His self-hating Jewish handlers knew exactly how to play the game:  lie, cheat and steal and let everyone count you out until you're the last one standing.  They mean to bring a hybrid Bolshevik-Islamofacist insanity to the U.S. by having "civilians" be the street military, which is the same as Islamo-Nazis attacking Christians just like his Luo tribe does.  Obongo takes his teachings from Riala Odinga, not Thomas Jefferson!

If the Obongoid lied about his religion, then nothing is sacred with him.  God is great and He will intervene to rid us of this serpent.

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2009, 03:48:39 AM »
Obama agreed with Melhem’s inference that Bush’s use of terms like "war on terror" and "Islamic fascism" demonized all Muslims.

I think the word Islamic Facism" is too mild. Everybody knows, that Islam is an evil eliminatory nazi cult.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline q_q_

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2009, 03:55:36 AM »
Wow. This is truly incredible stuff.

I hope all you Jews who voted for B. Hussein Obama are happy.

Obviously I don't think there are any here..

You should have figured that one out after 50+ posts.

Considering this is
"The Official Forum of The Jewish Task Force and "

Offline q_q_

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2009, 04:17:19 AM »

During the U.S presidential campaign, Barack Obama’s handlers vigourously pointed out his Christian faith whenever the misconception arose he may be Muslim (even though the politically correct response should have been his religion doesn’t matter).

The handlers also roundly denounced any conservative commentator who might mention (mischievously, admittedly) his Arabic middle name, Hussein.

They charged that such usage was "fear mongering."

Once elected, however, he personally insisted on his middle name being spoken at his swearing-in ceremony.

And now – in a gesture to the Muslim world – he has not only granted the first sit-down interview of his presidency to a pan-Arab television network, but uses the occasion to gush about his Muslim ties.

"I have Muslim members of my family. I have lived in Muslim countries," Obama tells Hisham Melhem, the Washington bureau chief of Saudi-owned Al Arabiya, which is based in Dubai.

Indeed, Obama’s Kenyan father, Barack Sr., was born into a Muslim family – though he became an atheist before arriving in Hawaii, where Obama Jr. was later born.

Obama also famously spent four years as a boy in Indonesia – the world’s most populous Muslim country.

All that’s fine, except why was no one allowed to talk much about it before he snagged the Electoral College majority?

well, there is a difference between somebody saying Obama has muslim background so he understands the muslim world.. (which is what obama probably said in that interview)

and saying that obama has a muslim background , is a muslim, and thus cannot be president..

One would be on firmer ground to say that his ties suggest he has sympathy for our enemy or the world of our enemy. That is a concern

Even by Obama’s account, there will be no effective "change in U.S. policies." Washington and the West will still want to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. Hence, don’t expect Tehran to see the offer of "more diplomacy" to be anything more than a gift of the time they still need to perfect the nuclear process.

this is a concern too.

though given america's reputation.. and reluctancy to look like Bush. I don't think any american president is going to be in a rush to deal with iran.

Sometimes with muslims, it's just a question of language.. I've spoken to muslims and convinced them that israel is right to fight the arabs.. and our books prophecy a battle, and us winning. And their books have them winning. So we will fight and see. 
You can put it in a way consistent with their standards.. they can't really complain. 
It's not a bad thing to understand them.. it is a bad thing to sympathise with an enemy and be incapacitated

I am not fan of trying to bring peace and democracy to the arab world, losing soldiers over it. But, it's worth noting.. I saw an interview, maybe in Time magazine, of an army guy that was in iraq or afghanistan. He says they have a manual which works very well, and tells them how to talk to the population there.. to avoid certain words.. and thy can do they exact same fight, but it becomes acceptable to the population when you put it in terms they are comfortable with.  Muslims are really quite simple people.  e.g. they hear the english word crusade, and they go mad, and look for excuses to go mad! Obviously don't pander to them.. But knowing how they think is a good thing.  A problem is that Obama may sympathise with them and be unable to go to war where civilians get killed.. 

Offline Menachem

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2009, 09:49:58 AM »
Wow. This is truly incredible stuff.

I hope all you Jews who voted for B. Hussein Obama are happy.

Obviously I don't think there are any here..

You should have figured that one out after 50+ posts.

Yeah, I've kinda figured that much out.

My comment wasn't necessarily addressed to JTF members but to the 80% of the Jewish population who voted for Obama. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

There was, however, at least one JTF member who did vote for him. I can't remember his name but he openly admitted it to Chaim on one of the Ask JTF broadcasts.

Offline briann

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Re: Great Article on how we were duped: 'Suddenly Obama has Muslim roots'
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2009, 11:23:07 AM »
Wow. This is truly incredible stuff.

I hope all you Jews who voted for B. Hussein Obama are happy.

Obviously I don't think there are any here..

You should have figured that one out after 50+ posts.

Yeah, I've kinda figured that much out.

My comment wasn't necessarily addressed to JTF members but to the 80% of the Jewish population who voted for Obama. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

There was, however, at least one JTF member who did vote for him. I can't remember his name but he openly admitted it to Chaim on one of the Ask JTF broadcasts.

Again.. this shows the POWER of the media propoganda.   The sanitized version of Obama we all saw was a 'rock star' who wanted to give us all hope, and fie bght against special interests, earmarks, and give powerful speeches. 

The one we got was the real one... who has already groveled to our enemies feet, and is pushing the largest one-sided earmarks in the history of the planet.