I'm a teenage Male from Queens, New York (Rego Park if you want to be exact).
Political Compass:

Religious Views:
I'm more of a "Reformist" Jew or a Progressive Traditional or whatever you would like to call it.
Economic Views:
Right-Winged Moderate Capitalist. I'm for Economic Freedom and I believe that Socialism is just another way for government to keep tabs on you.
Social Views: More of a Centrist in Social Views or a Moderate. I am Pro-Military, Pro-Death Penalty, Pro-Nationalism. I am in favor of getting the FCC's claws of out our television, anti-game/tv "age" system, Pro-Choice, for lowering the tobacco age to 16, and for lowering the alcohol age to 18.
Views on Serbia:
Views on the EU:
A bunch of pussies.
Pro Two State Solution.