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U.S. will give visa to jihad monkey

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Christian Zionist:;_ylt=AkbYdCTMY.Ez.YlD4U3x1ues0NUE

WASHINGTON - The U.S. will approve Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's request for a visa so he can visit the U.N. as the Security Council moves to impose additional sanctions against his country for its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment.
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Friday that the United States has approved a U.S. visa for Ahmadinejad previously and will do so again, consistent with its obligations as host country for the  United Nations.

Ahmadinejad has been a vociferous defender of his nation's nuclear efforts and a critic of the U.S.

On Thursday, the five permanent members of the Security Council — the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France_ along with Germany compromised on a sanctions package to step up pressure on the Islamic republic to suspend uranium enrichment. The full council will consider the measures in coming days.

At a rally Thursday in the central city of Meibod, Ahmadinejad said, "These threats won't have one iota of effect on the strong will of the Iranian nation."

Fruit of thy loins:
Once in America he will be able to look at some porn, go gambling, look at wild [censored] running loose and see the myriad thousands of other ways in which the U.S. is superior morally to Iran.   ;D

Din Rodef:
Anybody wanna make a bet?

I bet the Jihad monkey visits the UN and offers to disarm Iran's nuclear program in exchange for Israeli nuclear disarmament.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
You have a point, Din. I myself have always suspected the phony world "outrage" over Ahmadinejad's nuke program to be a setup and a strawman for a full-bore world press against Israel's nuclear program (not that it's even 100% certain she has nukes, but I like to hope...)

Din Rodef:

--- Quote from: Chaimfan on March 17, 2007, 02:18:17 AM ---You have a point, Din. I myself have always suspected the phony world "outrage" over Ahmadinejad's nuke program to be a setup and a strawman for a full-bore world press against Israel's nuclear program (not that it's even 100% certain she has nukes, but I like to hope...)

--- End quote ---

Ohlmert has already made public statements in the press confirming the existence of Israel's nuclear weapons deterrent. I remember this happening last year.

It scares me...because I'm fairly certain that the treasonous Ohlmert government would disarm Israel's nuclear weapons in exchange for a "nuke-free" Mid-east peace deal with Iran.

It is commonly believed that a nuclear Iran could force a Mid-East arms race. Turkey, Egypt and Saudia Arabia might go nuclear to counter Iran. The UN might pressure Israel to disarm in order to prevent a regional arms race.

Most of the world is filled with moral relativists.....When the Jihad monkey says things like "Why can't Iran have nukes if Israel has nukes?"...most of the world (including leftist Jews) nod their head in agreement with his statement.


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