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Europe's tolerance finds its limit: Death of multiculturalism

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Christian Zionist:

This week, elections in the Netherlands seemed to reinforce the growing distrust between the native and immigrant populations when the Freedom Party, a previously insignificant far-right fringe group, won nine seats in parliament.

Led by Geert Wilders, a strident radical who goes out of his way to insult Muslims and warn that the Netherlands is about to be engulfed by an "Islamic tsunami," the Freedom Party is now the fifth- largest in the Dutch parliament.

Mr. Wilders is the political heir of Pim Fortuyn, a populist politician who campaigned on immigration issues and was assassinated in 2002 just before elections.

This time around, Mr. Wilders called for an end to immigration and demanded bans on building religious schools and mosques.

"We need more decency in this country, more education and less Islam," he recently told Dutch television.

"We have had enough Islam in the Netherlands. I believe Islam is a violent religion and the Koran is a violent book. There is no such thing as moderate Islam."

Similar far-right movements are flourishing, along with large Muslim immigrant populations, in Austria, Belgium, Germany and Italy.

In France, one citizen in five voted for right-wing extremist Jean-Marie Le Pen in the 2002 presidential election.

Now, Nicolas Sarkozy, the hardline Interior Minister who hopes to represent the centre-right in next April's presidential contest, has begun to court the anti-immigrant vote, unveiling a proposed immigration act that is a virtual copy of the Dutch regulations.

"The French way of integration no longer works," he said recently, referring to last year's riots in immigrant neighbourhoods, the worst civil unrest in the country in decades.

But it's not just the far right that is declaring the death of multiculturalism.

Britain's ruling labor party has abandoned the laissez-faire pluralism of the past and introduced a U.S.-style citizenship ceremony, complete with declarations of loyalty. Naturalizing immigrants must also pass language and citizenship tests.

More recently, Jack Straw, a former foreign secretary, created a huge controversy when he declared he wanted Muslim women to abandon the veil.

Yes, we are on the brew!

I simply cannot take any more of it. Multiculturalism was perhaps created to fail. I do not know. Perhaps we will never know why it was created and enforced.

I think its popularity with the ruling elite has been its ability to divide communities and encouraged the entrenchment of state power.

It was used in countries like Latvia and Estonia where undesirable Russians were spread amongst the native populations by the Soviets.

In fact, it was also used in the South Tirol in what was Austria. Mussolini plonked thousands of Southern Italians there to Italianize it.

So, multiculturalism has had some strange bedfellows, and they are have always been totalitarian.

Just seeing immigrants on the street distresses me, not in some places, like parts of London, but around where I live. It distresses our women too.

If I want to go out for drinks in the evening, I cannot go to the places where foreigners congregate which often means going to the rougher 'spit-and-sawdust' parts of town, down by the harbour near the warehouses. The people who gather in these places may be a bit rough, but they know which way their bread is buttered. I feel safer in their company than in a mixed-race crowd with the over-commercialized popular culture which the multi-cult uses to paper of the cracks and flaws which the loss of ethno-culture has created.

The loud whizz-bangs, shiny faces and tacky status-orientated aesthetics can never provide me with adequate compensation for the loss of civility, wholeness, trust and goodwill which comes with the presence of the foreign men and women who have come to put ripples on my once-tranquill pond.

Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: sat_chit_anand on March 29, 2007, 04:05:00 PM ---Yes, we are on the brew!

I simply cannot take any more of it. Multiculturalism was perhaps created to fail. I do not know. Perhaps we will never know why it was created and enforced.

I think its popularity with the ruling elite has been its ability to divide communities and encouraged the entrenchment of state power.

It was used in countries like Latvia and Estonia where undesirable Russians were spread amongst the native populations by the Soviets.

In fact, it was also used in the South Tirol in what was Austria. Mussolini plonked thousands of Southern Italians there to Italianize it.

So, multiculturalism has had some strange bedfellows, and they are have always been totalitarian.

Just seeing immigrants on the street distresses me, not in some places, like parts of London, but around where I live. It distresses our women too.

If I want to go out for drinks in the evening, I cannot go to the places where foreigners congregate which often means going to the rougher 'spit-and-sawdust' parts of town, down by the harbour near the warehouses. The people who gather in these places may be a bit rough, but they know which way their bread is buttered. I feel safer in their company than in a mixed-race crowd with the over-commercialized popular culture which the multi-cult uses to paper of the cracks and flaws which the loss of ethno-culture has created.

The loud whizz-bangs, shiny faces and tacky status-orientated aesthetics can never provide me with adequate compensation for the loss of civility, wholeness, trust and goodwill which comes with the presence of the foreign men and women who have come to put ripples on my once-tranquill pond.

--- End quote ---

Sat, I have spent a lot of time down the docks too.  Met a few willing women down there too.   ;D ;D ;D

Hay Fruit, Whats the buzz in England about the hostage crisis with Iran.


--- Quote from: cjd on March 29, 2007, 07:58:22 PM ---Hay Fruit, Whats the buzz in England about the hostage crisis with Iran.

--- End quote ---

I shall try to answer.

The warrior caste is always arrogant.

The 'lady' who has been paraded on TV, has not been 'traumatized' by 'interrogation'.

She is an arrogant feminazi fcuk-face, who is playing up and doing a Princess Die-anna for the cameras, whilst chuffing on a cancer stick.

'Britain' (pro-Likud-traitor-neo-con-variant) and 'France' (pro-Islamofascist) created the situation in Iran in the first place. Now they, (the arms manufacturers et al) hope to profit from this nonsense, whilst further entrenching the power of the oil cartel and taxing us to pay for the immigrant scum who help to lower wages.

I hope that they all die of AIDS/cancer/explosive diahorrea.

If you want a right-wing perspective, you can keep tabs on Melanie Phillips. and the BNP website

I am not buying either the official story or the Iranian Establishment's take on things, but the British witch in the scarf is a rather too self-conscious media whore, not a victim and the BBC deserve an award for telling politicised untruths.


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