Tears for Israel
by Rich Carroll
Today’s article is for the anti-semite, cowardly members of the United States Congress and Senate too intoxicated by Arab oil, too weak, too shallow, or too afraid of Muslim backlash to support Israel, the birthplace of our savior, Jesus Christ, in their hour of bombardment by the terrorist group Hamas.
This article is for American Jews who voted for a pro-Islamic Presidential candidate who has no intentions of supporting Israel, the candidate who said “If the political winds shift in an ugly direction I will side with them (Muslims).” (Dreams from My Father pg. 261) Where is your outrage? The civilized world awaits your response. I said the “civilized world,” not the Arab nations who carry signs denouncing that Israel has a right to exist. This article is for an atheist pro-Arab liberal media who fails to mention 400 Muslim rockets falling indiscriminately into Jewish neighborhoods but shouts “disproportionate response” when tiny Israel hits-back.
In case you have swallowed the Muslim propaganda [censored], let us set the record straight:
There was no “Palestinian” nation in 1948. Or ever. There was no “Palestinian nation” that the Jews could steal. Or occupy. Four hundred years until WWI, the middle east was ruled by Turks. There was no Palestine, no Jordan, no Lebanon, no Syria, no Iraq. These countries were created by European powers out of the ruins of the Turkish empire. The Jews have lived continually on what is called “Palestine” for 3700 years. Since the 19th century, the Jews were the majority of the population of Jerusalem. Jews have been the most persecuted people on Earth. Many of the six million Jews killed by Adolph Hitler could have been saved if a country had allowed them refuge. But none did.
In 1922 Winston Churchill gave 80 per cent of Palestine (British Mandate land of the defeated Turks) to the Arabs. Today, this is Jordan. Jordan would be the Palestinian state if the Arabs wanted one. But they don't. In 1948 the United Nations divided the remaining 20 per cent that was left into two parts; one for Arabs, one for Jews. Sixty per-cent of the new Israel was barren desert. The Jews transformed this land into a rich oasis. Funded by the United Nations with billions of U.S. and Israel dollars for economic development, Israel thrived. The Arabs could have done the same. Instead, their dollars went to their leaders' Swiss bank accounts to fund hatred and terrorism. If the Arabs had been willing to accept an arrangement in which they were given 90 per cent of the original Palestine Mandate, there would be no middle east conflict. But they weren’t willing to accept Jews, monkeys and pigs according to their Qur'an.
The creation of Israel meant Jews had a homeland and state for the first time in 2000 years (that Jews had a state of their own where a Jew could be a Jew and not suffer for it. For Arabs, 1/6th of one per cent of the middle east was too much land for Jews. Any amount of land would be too much for Jews. There were no Arabs in Palestine until the Muslim invasions of the 7th century. In the nearly 1300 years that followed, Arabs made no attempt to create an independent Palestinian state:
“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, the Arabs will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea." ~ Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, 1948
In the 60 years that followed, Arabs have waged continuous war of terror on Israel. The war is not about land. The Arabs say they justify war against Israel because the Jews stole their land and occupied it. They are lying. It was the Arab governments who encouraged the Arabs to flee their homes. Some fled out of fear of war itself. Arabs were told by various Arab leaders that if they left their homes in Palestine they could return and have not only their land, but the land of the Jews, after they won.
Today, the Arabs who live in Israel have more rights than Arabs living in any Arab country. If the Jews were thieves and ruthless occupiers as Arab leaders and Jimmy Carter claim, why would they welcome Arab citizens and give them more rights than Arabs enjoy in any Arab state? Arabs have full citizenship rights in Israel.
The Palestinians were offered a state in 1948, and again in 2000. Both times they responded with armed aggression and terrorist attacks. The middle east war has nothing to do with land, it is only about the destruction of Israel:
“Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for all out war, a war which will last for generations.” ~ Yasser Arafat
I want you Marxist Democrats to know that Yasser Arafat is the same terrorist that Jimmy Carter lobbied for to get the Nobel Peace Prize. I want you to know that Jimmy Carter, along with top members of the Democrat party, oversaw the Hamas elections. May you people rot in eternal hell for forsaking God’s word in Genesis 12: “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” Hamas is not a political party. They are terrorist thugs.
Israel left Gaza completely spending $2.5 billion dollars to remove all Jewish settlers from their homes and businesses so that Arabs could have this land and, hopefully, be willing to have peace with Israel. Israel sent financial and medical aid to Arabs in Gaza, yet no sane person can explain why Hamas is firing rockets against Israel. What is the purpose? The answer is in the Muslim holy book, the Qur’an. There are 89 derogatory references in the Qur’an about Jews. This “war” is about Jewish extermination. The middle east “conflict” is but half of the real story. It is about the saying shared among Muslims around the globe: “First we kill the Saturday people, then we kill the Sunday people.”
Do you understand this, or do you need a rocket exploding in your back yard to italicize the point?
Rich Carroll