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Barack Hussein Obama: Jew-hater

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Jewish Nationalist:

--- Quote ---{snip}

Obama told the Muscatine-area party activists that he supports relaxing restrictions on aid to the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis. He said they have suffered the most as a result of stalled peace efforts with Israeli Jews.

“Nobody is suffering more than the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis,” Obama said while on the final leg of his weekend trip to eastern Iowa.

“If we could get some movement among PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi leadership, what I’d like to see is a loosening up of some of the restrictions on providing aid directly to the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis,” he added.

--- End quote ---

Are you really surprised? Let us be real here. This mulatto is a half white hater. What I mean by a half white hater, is that he hates white men but lovin' them white wiminz. He was shacked up with some white slut ho when he lived in NYC. He belongs to a crackpot christian black church, he went to muslim schools when he was a little half breed niglet and was taught to hate everyone that was not a filthly muslim.

I made a thread in the morality section that explains what he and his church really stand for.  The reverend Jesse Lee Peterson has denounced Obama's church as clearly being racist.

Yochanan Zev:
Nowhere in that list of objectives does it say "Support black people and damn everyone else".  Obama belongs to a black church...  what do you expect?  Would it be any different if he were Jewish and went to a  synangogue -- you could replace "black" with "the jewish people" and it wouldn't even be an issue.

I'm sorry , but Jesse Lee Peterson is nothing but a TOOL whose opinions count for nothing. If he stood for anythying else except to put down blacks, the Republicans would have no interest in promoting his commentaries.

I have yet to see anything Peterson has written or said that isn't putting down a black Democrat or making some sort of an appeal to the right as the result of some perceived "reverse" racism.  Erik Rush is another tool who serves up a lot of critism, but says or does nothing in the way of a solution.

There's a name for guys like Peterson and Rush that I won't mention here.

Armstrong Williams and Thomas Sowell are black conservatives that I have great respect for.  These guys are  able to proffer many opinions and perspectives that address other areas besides race.  I'd even put Alan Keys in this category, although I don't agree with most of his opinions.  But Peterson is nothing more than a hired gun.

The mulatto belongs to a primitive church that has a list of garbage that it believes in. Why not google it. The 'church' that this muslim son of slut [censored] belongs to is run by a mail order reverend, such as al (where's the monie) sharpton, the whore monger that his ex james brown's pet pig is going to sue his ample tush over and his other whore monger mail order hymie towm spitter rev who leads a racket called push, people united to swindle humanity. These ebonic PH.ds should pack up the hos and their malt liquor and go to africa, where their gigantic intellect would not be wasted on white people.


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