The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
The blonde Muslim
Fruit of thy loins:
Do you know what really gets to me?
These people travel the world, and say, with their accents raised and slightly refined so as to demonstrate their erudition to everyone else, 'Yes, world culture is amazing! I am so grateful to have been able to travel and meet amazing new brown people.'
So let me ask our dear blonde Muslim a question. If world culture, and Islamic 'culture' in particular, is so wonderful, why did you not stay in an Islamic country and become one of them? Why did you piss on and disrespect your heritage by COMING BACK HOME AND THEN BECOMING A MUSLIM? Could it be that you couldn't live without your little creature comforts back home? You want your cake and you want to eat it too? Islam AND the life of First World luxury. Amazing! And you don't even realize that Islam threatens the way of life of those less fortune than you, right there in your own country.
This blonde Muslim is the poster child of what's wrong with the West. She must surely be half brain-dead; the fruits of the decadence of post-war society. And all of these young people who travel abroad are the same. They come back home, and they straightaway forget that it was THEIR culture, their people, who produced a society advanced enough to allow its unincomed young people to fly about abroad and see and enjoy life. And now these people, by miscegenating away our culture, are ensuring that future generations of young white people will have no such luxuries in life, indeed, their lives will be spent in hardship and in constant competition with the clamouring demands of massive immigrant populations.
Check out her litter of brown kids. She's obviously been knocked up by some camel/oil trader living in America. What a filthy whore. ::)
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 17, 2007, 09:50:21 PM ---What do you think of this Muslim? She is British. Do you think Sarah and Hajar used to be like that when they were Muslims?
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:( That's a real tragedy. She seemed like a really outgoing and normal British woman. I think she is too dumb to know what she's letting herself in for. The rest of her life is going to be miserable unless she can break free from Islamic influence. Islam is like a spreading poison in British cities.
This is WORSe than blacks on blondes. Because Islam is a spiritual poison whereas blacks on blondes is simply gentile hedonism taken to extreme lengths.
Fruit of thy loins:
The interviewer was joking around and asking to see her in her headscarf.
If I was interviewing her I would tell her she's a complete idiot for even contemplating wearing a headscarf. ::)
Fruit of thy loins:
Look at the shot of the dreary housing estate in that video, and see the little children walk past with black headscarves.
Pakistan is being recreated in the heartlands of England.
Unfortunately Christianity is undergoing a revival too. Most of the black Africans who come into Britain are 'Christians'. Some churches are now packed with Africans on Sunday. Most white Christian leaders are advocates of sodomy, pedophilia and other things of that sort.
People used to say that religion itself was dead. But the need for religion is as strong as ever. That's why the Islamification of Britain will intensify. Because 99% of people have two options: become a Christian when you know that even Christian leaders don't believe in any of that stuff any more, or join a real red-blooded religion that believes in itself and fanatically supports its principles, i.e. Islam.
If we tried to spread the Seven Noahide Laws people would say that it isn't enough for them. They need daily guidance and direction. They need a religion that prevents them having to do too much thinking.
This is a problem that cannot be solved by man.
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 17, 2007, 11:14:49 PM ---
She was probably looking for meaning in life because the society around her is so immoral so she fell prey to Islam. She should have become a Noahide instead. That way she can be religious and believe in G-d but not be a Muslim Nazi monster.
--- End quote ---
She probably has never even been told what the Noahide Laws are. Sarah once posted here that when she learned what they were, they sounded like something 'any religion would have', common sense. This woman might be the same. There is also an element of cultural assimilation here because it looks like she lives among many Muslims. If she lived in an affluent place she might not even have become religious at all. This is something worth writing books and dissertations on.
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