Author Topic: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK  (Read 78566 times)

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Offline Zenith

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2010, 07:48:41 AM »
Quote from: Madmarv
The movie is quite interesting and informative, but I think its flawed a lot, unfortunately.
You can't compare a religion to a country, its like comparing apples with papayas. he asked whether islam fits into the secular, liberal, free British society, and the answer is no. But again, would Christianity fits with these rules? would a true christian accepts premarital sex? would he accepts homosexuality?
however, I don't think that either jews or christians would try to force others to be like them, and feel offended that others do not respect their laws & rules (which I think muslims do).

And I think that muslims understand that "their voice must be heard" (that is, UK must do as they command) or suicide bombing is ok. And I think neither christians nor jews are like that.

And I think it's obvious that even muslims that study at a high degree of university are not 'smarter' than the others because their education (or, shall I say, indoctrination?) is Islamic, while only the teaching for profession (i.e. medicine, psychology, etc.) is british.

Anyway, it's interesting that the same foolish things taught in islamic countries by muslims are found and believed in non-islamic countries as well.

Offline Zenith

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2010, 08:06:48 AM »
Quote from: Debbie Shafer
Once again Muslims deceived by propoganda that Bush and Israel caused 911...

I don't know about you, but I think many non-muslim people believe that there was actually no terrorist attack in either USA or UK (because of things like Zeitgeist). I was even once told my somebody "Come one, everyone knows that it was Bush that did that!".
I had also seriously doubted that it was muslims who did that, for a period, until I watched this:
which seems much more plausible.

by the way, have you watched this (there are 6 videos):


expect it not to be very smart (you will notice that from the title :))).

Offline crispin arik

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2010, 01:41:20 AM »
it doesn't matter, because you can see that in holland already(where I come from) when a muslim needs help the mayor runs to the muslim community but if a jewish person needs help he can *stick it* if you know what I mean, shouldn't it be the other way around? muslims don't work and jewish people do, we should bully the muslims out instead of letting marrocan teens do the hitler thing to rabby's(did I spell rabby's good?) anyway
call me frederick:)

Offline Zenith

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2010, 07:30:47 AM »
I think nowhere in the world is justice. If not a religious issue, people turn a blind eye for money, for their own interests, don't care but about themselves and everybody sees as bad or guilty others and never himself.
So, don't worry, jews are not the only ones who suffer injustice. It happens everywhere, to many people.

Offline Meerkat

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2010, 11:58:20 PM »
why are people here supporting the BNP? nearly all of the BNP supporters ive ever bumped into online are nazis.

also, what do you think of UKIP?

Offline Moralist

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2010, 10:15:08 AM »
it doesn't matter, because you can see that in holland already(where I come from) when a muslim needs help the mayor runs to the muslim community but if a jewish person needs help he can *stick it* if you know what I mean, shouldn't it be the other way around? muslims don't work and jewish people do, we should bully the muslims out instead of letting marrocan teens do the hitler thing to rabby's(did I spell rabby's good?) anyway
call me frederick:)
Job Cohen looks the other way when Jews are beaten up by muslims. Luckily, there is Geert Wilders.

Offline Djoop

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2010, 12:04:02 PM »
why are people here supporting the BNP? nearly all of the BNP supporters ive ever bumped into online are nazis.

also, what do you think of UKIP?
I never met a BNP nazi but yes, I certainly prefer UKIP over the BNP.

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Offline FreedomDefender

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2010, 07:33:11 AM »
why are people here supporting the BNP? nearly all of the BNP supporters ive ever bumped into online are nazis.

also, what do you think of UKIP?

I wish to know more. Maybe you can give me basic information regarding the UKIP since you so much "above" me cause of my language barrier.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2010, 12:08:01 PM »
why are people here supporting the BNP? nearly all of the BNP supporters ive ever bumped into online are nazis.

also, what do you think of UKIP?

I wish to know more. Maybe you can give me basic information regarding the UKIP since you so much "above" me cause of my language barrier.

Stop spamming the site, and stop pretending everyone is the same member all out to get you collectively (or as one person).

Offline FreedomDefender

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2010, 02:47:33 PM »
Stop spamming the site, and stop pretending everyone is the same member all out to get you collectively (or as one person).
I see. So why so many accounts respond to me with the same argument. You and you friends done nothing more that point out on my grammar errors because of language barrier. So i am saving your time by typing constant warnings. You will deny all that and not answer my question because my English is not my mother language. What else do you want me to say? I should leave because you sad so? So you do put yourself "above" me. All the time, include now. Or you going to delete this message as well due to language barrier? There are many other options, such as ignoring which very hard for you to accomplish it seems.

Offline BritishSword

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #35 on: November 25, 2010, 02:14:02 PM »
why are people here supporting the BNP? nearly all of the BNP supporters ive ever bumped into online are nazis.

also, what do you think of UKIP?
I never met a BNP nazi but yes, I certainly prefer UKIP over the BNP.

I'm a BNP supporter, I'm online and I am definitely not a nazi.

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Offline BritishSword

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #36 on: November 25, 2010, 02:18:13 PM »
Also it is not above the leftist traitors to go online posing as BNP
and then say lots of fascist things to deliberately give bad impression.
The losers.

I supported UKIP for a while but they are basically too wet and weak to make a difference.

Except Nigel Farage the leader but not everyone is him.
I'm British. I'm Sharp.  I'm Deadly.
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Offline Djoop

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2010, 11:27:29 AM »
I'm a BNP supporter, I'm online and I am definitely not a nazi.


Then I still haven't met a BNP nazi, talked to various BNP supporters online ;-)

I'm never to sure what to make of these stories about the BNP because, from my own experience, I know the Left tends to make these stories up. I still prefer UKIP though, love seeing that Farage guy rape gung ho EU MP's.   
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Offline Natan

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2011, 01:02:56 AM »

This is insane! I could never imagine living in such a city!
I would have been arrested for murder attempt.
I come from Yamit

Offline Eden Ben Yitzchak

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #39 on: March 16, 2011, 02:41:27 PM »
Islam will dominate Europe. First, they'll take over France and the UK, then they'll gradually take the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and maybe Germany too. Isn't it nice. Your life will be much better under Shari'a laws. You boneless European Idiots! You'll get what you deserve. You defend these animals, you let them into your countries, you tolerate their malicious, satanic ''religion'' - but eventually their swords will be laid upon your necks, and then, with shaking knees, you'll say; ''No other god but Allah, and Muhammad, the prophet of Allah.'' - that's the exact way they took over the entire middle east, and Europe will be the same.

Offline Niklas

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #40 on: April 15, 2011, 10:51:31 PM »
The UK is heating up. Their agenda is advancing and they have the full support of the far-left and even the moderate liberal left.

Only a tiny section of the far-left oppose them now.

New Labour has begun severing ties with their extremist 'advisors', but too little too late.

Only the BNP can stop the Islamification of Britain.

I will post an article about this in due course.

I am afraid The BNP are not in a position to do much about the Islamification of The UK as for New Labour they are the worst appeasers of fundamental Islam in The UK. The BNP have very little public support as the racist card has been played for so long in The UK and its the same for any group/party with Britain or British in its title.
New Labour and our socialist councils allied with the ''Human Rights'' groups in the UK have done a great job of brainwashing the public and in particular our schoolkids to see Islam as a peaceful Religion with a ''few'' extremists in its midst.

No the only ones that can stop the Islamification of the UK is the people themselves the political class are to busy whoreing for the Islamic vote and selling out their countrymen to appear Islam friendly to our so-called allies in the war on terror.

Our media particularly The BBC is very Anti-Israel/Pro Islam and is so scared to take fundamentalist Islam to task as is our government in case our well integrated British born Muslims start to blow the seven shades out of our city centres.

I am afraid in The UK we are already under a form of self imposed Sharia Law as are many European countries.
Until we speak out and admit to ourselves that it is not a few fundamentalists that are the problem worldwide we risk losing to the terrorists.


Offline Niklas

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #41 on: April 15, 2011, 10:57:20 PM »
I am afraid The BNP are not in a position to do much about the Islamification of The UK as for New Labour they are the worst appeasers of fundamental Islam in The UK. The BNP have very little public support as the racist card has been played for so long in The UK and its the same for any group/party with Britain or British in its title.
New Labour and our socialist councils allied with the ''Human Rights'' groups in the UK have done a great job of brainwashing the public and in particular our schoolkids to see Islam as a peaceful Religion with a ''few'' extremists in its midst.

No the only ones that can stop the Islamification of the UK is the people themselves the political class are to busy whoreing for the Islamic vote and selling out their countrymen to appear Islam friendly to our so-called allies in the war on terror.

Our media particularly The BBC is very Anti-Israel/Pro Islam and is so scared to take fundamentalist Islam to task as is our government in case our well integrated British born Muslims start to blow the seven shades out of our city centres.

I am afraid in The UK we are already under a form of self imposed Sharia Law as are many European countries.
Until we speak out and admit to ourselves that it is not a few fundamentalists that are the problem worldwide we risk losing to the terrorists.

Offline Niklas

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2011, 11:06:27 PM »
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.
The traitor is the plague.?
Marcus Tullius Cicero (Ancient Roman Lawyer, Writer, Scholar, Orator and Statesman, 106 BC-43

Offline OnceNDone

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #43 on: September 28, 2011, 12:46:56 PM »
Oh goodness, don't bring up Muslims in the UK.... I was discussing 9/11 with one of my friends at school, and how, on 9/11, the Muslims of london felt it was appropriate to burn an American flag. When I said "Those *******s should be hung for what they did.", a Muslim girl pops behind me and says "They have a right to freedom of expression". I wanted to punch her.

Offline Argon

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #44 on: September 30, 2011, 12:51:22 PM »
OnceNDone -

Have you heard of the 1st Amendment?  If it applies to you, it applies to anyone whose views you do not like. If they want to burn the US flag that is indeed their right, and that right is sacrosanct in America.

There is also no Sharia Law on UK statute books. Zero, none. It is a myth up there with Mohammed being the most popular name in the UK. Simply not true.

Given the reaction to the initial videos, comments on this video?

Offline maelgwyn

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #45 on: September 30, 2011, 11:23:51 PM »
The Muzzies will only get a bullet fired into the back of head, and a pig skin bodybag! :dance:

Offline OnceNDone

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #46 on: October 04, 2011, 05:45:35 PM »
OnceNDone -

Have you heard of the 1st Amendment?  If it applies to you, it applies to anyone whose views you do not like. If they want to burn the US flag that is indeed their right, and that right is sacrosanct in America.

There is also no Sharia Law on UK statute books. Zero, none. It is a myth up there with Mohammed being the most popular name in the UK. Simply not true.

Given the reaction to the initial videos, comments on this video?

Burning an American flag might be allowed, but only an amoral piece of scum would do it on a day of remembrance such as 9/11. Defending such an act in any way, shape, or form is just spewing liberal garbage.

Offline Enoch Powell

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2012, 07:19:33 AM »
Islam is an arab supremesist creed,and it's goal is to conquer the world for Mohammed's (piss be upon him) alter-ego,'allah'.

It really is that simple.

Offline maelgwyn

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #48 on: June 26, 2012, 12:09:33 AM »
Powell was right!  He must be laughing in his grave !

Offline Kestrel

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Re: Shocking effect that Muslims have in the UK
« Reply #49 on: July 06, 2012, 09:44:18 AM »
  The professional career politicians here in Britain, are like the able description of Hilary Clinton in the video about her on the front page of JTF ~ highly deceptive/ double-tongued, and untrustworthy...
I see no change here, short-term or mid-term, for the better...
Britain is in a bad way, the government has NO Idea how many immigrants are here, even where I live in Northern Scotland has proportionately masses of immigrants swallowing up jobs and welfare..
What Niklas said is Accurate  ~    I am afraid The BNP are not in a position to do much about the Islamification of The UK as for New Labour they are the worst appeasers of fundamental Islam in The UK. The BNP have very little public support as the racist card has been played for so long in The UK and its the same for any group/party with Britain or British in its title.
New Labour and our socialist councils allied with the ''Human Rights'' groups in the UK have done a great job of brainwashing the public and in particular our schoolkids to see Islam as a peaceful Religion with a ''few'' extremists in its midst.

No the only ones that can stop the Islamification of the UK is the people themselves the political class are to busy whoreing for the Islamic vote and selling out their countrymen to appear Islam friendly to our so-called allies in the war on terror.

Our media particularly The BBC is very Anti-Israel/Pro Islam and is so scared to take fundamentalist Islam to task as is our government in case our well integrated British born Muslims start to blow the seven shades out of our city centres.

I am afraid in The UK we are already under a form of self imposed Sharia Law as are many European countries.
Until we speak out and admit to ourselves that it is not a few fundamentalists that are the problem worldwide we risk losing to the terrorists.

The Above is a Quote from Niklas

The political elite live like royalty at our expense and are untouchable....  by mortals anyway..
"It is appointed unto men to die, and then the Judgment"