Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?
Misli sta hoces!
--- Quote from: crnitrn on September 06, 2010, 03:52:32 AM ---Misli sta hoces!
--- End quote ---
Da mi smo i grci a?
Јован И Деретић је постао члан руске академије наука, и то на њихов захтев. Да он нема конкретне доказе о својим тврдњама ово сигурно не би био случај.
Jovan I Deretic became a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and at their request. That he has no concrete evidence of his claims this would not have been the case. (google translator)
Yes is true that serbs are not came in balkan in 7th century and we was not Barbarians. Serbs are older then that, and probably term Slav is the same as term Serb.
He claims that Achilles was serb only on the basis of one picture from vase,which is found who knows where?
Its true that Albanians are came later on balkan like is described up here , more-less! etc.
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