Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Are the Albanians descendents of Roma/Gypsies?

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Serbia in the map of Europe of year 814:

Ako neko ima vreme neka prevede ovo na engleski!


--- Quote from: crnitrn on January 18, 2011, 08:04:48 AM ---Serbia in the map of Europe of year 814:

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There is Albania on the Caucasus area. The map only confirms that Albanians came from Caucasus.


--- Quote from: Kerber on January 24, 2011, 09:24:57 PM ---There is Albania on the Caucasus area. The map only confirms that Albanians came from Caucasus.

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I said that!But also we can see that serbia had territory on todays Albania!

Albanians are the criminals Gypsies are just a little different.Many people in the U.S. don't care for Gypsies because like my Mother used to tell me if i was bad gypsies would kidnap me and turn me into a Gypsy. Many Americans do not like Albanians either because they tend to be thieves. The only Americans who like Albanians are Americans in Govt. Although i have to say my brother had a few Albanian friends but they lost  their Albanian traits they escaped to Sicily many generations ago so they're not really Albanian anymore they just remember they were once Albanians.They identify themselves more as Sicilians


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